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Daw Tin Tin Htwe, Parami Roundtable

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Presentation on theme: "Daw Tin Tin Htwe, Parami Roundtable"— Presentation transcript:

1 Daw Tin Tin Htwe, Parami Roundtable
Basic Facts of AEC Presented by Daw Tin Tin Htwe, Parami Roundtable 22nd August 2017, Nay Pyi Taw

2 ASEAN’s Vision To establish ASEAN Community by 2015
A region that is stable, prosperous and highly competitive with equitable economic development and reduced poverty and socio-economic disparities It consists of three pillars namely: ASEAN Political and Security Community ASEAN Socio- Cultural Community ASEAN Economic Community

3 Characteristics of AEC (Mission of AEC)
To establish: A single Market and Production Base Highly Competitive Economic Region A Region of Equitable Economic Dev. Integration Into The Global Economy

4 Continue… A Single Market and production Base
Free flow of goods, services, investment and skilled labor and freer flow of capital 2) Highly Competitive economic region Competition policy, Consumer protection, IPR, Infrastructure development, Taxation and E- commerce

5 Continue… 3) Equitable economic development SME development, IAI 4) Integration Into the Global Economy ASEAN to look beyond the borders of AEC

6 Issues to consider Who are responsible to do this mission?
Do we, the government and the private sector (businessmen) benefit from Trade and Services? What are the problems that they are facing? How can we solve or reduce the problems and challenges? Do we need to do monitoring and evaluation? Could our Mission accomplish by 2018?

7 AEC 2025 Characteristics: A highly integrated and cohesive economy;
A competitive, innovative and dynamic ASEAN; Enhanced connectivity and sectoral cooperation; A resilient, inclusive and people-oriented, people-centered ASEAN; and A global ASEAN

8 Consolidated Strategic Action Plan (February 2017)
Strategic measure for each of the 5 characteristics of Blueprint: 153 Strategic Measure 525 action lines

9 Thank You

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