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Special English for Industrial Robot

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1 Special English for Industrial Robot
URL : Mail

2 49PARTs Unit01 Introduction of robot
Unit02 Introduction of industrial robot Unit03 Types of industrial robots Unit04 ABB robot Unit05 KUKA robot Unit06 YASKAWA robot Unit07 FANUC Robot Unit08 SCARA robot Unit09 Industry application of robot Unit10 New robots Unit11 Intelligent manufacturing and global robot development program Unit12 The outlook for industrial robot 49PARTs

3 Special English for Industrial Robot
Unit 10 New robots Task: Part1 YUMI Part2 SDA10F Part3 Baxter Part4 YouBot Part5 NAO Special English for Industrial Robot Unit 10 New robots URL :

4 43 Unit 10 New robots Part5 NAO
Nao (pronounced now) is an autonomous, programmable humanoid robot developed by Aldebaran Robotics, a Frenchrobotics company headquartered in Paris, as shown in Figure The robot's development began with the launch of Project Nao in 2004. Figure 10-9 Nao Robot

5 43 Unit 10 New robots Part5 NAO
On 15 August 2007, Nao replaced Sony's robot dog Aibo as the robot used in the RoboCup Standard Platform League (SPL), an international robot soccer competition. The Nao was used in RoboCup 2008 and 2009, and the NaoV3R was chosen as the platform for the SPL at RoboCup 2010. Several versions of the robot have been released since The Nao Academics Edition was developed for schools, colleges and universities to teach programming and conduct research into human-robot interactions.

6 43 Unit 10 New robots Part5 NAO
NAO is a ground-breaking teaching aid for use in robotics, systems and control, computer science, social sciences and beyond. Humanoid robots have always fascinated people, especially students. NAO allows them to explore programming, sensors, interaction with people and the environment, and much more. Nao robots have been used for research and education purposes in numerous academic institutions worldwide. As of 2015, over 5,000 Nao units are in use in more than 50 countries.

7 43 Unit 10 New robots Part5 NAO
NAO is capable of moving autonomously, having a conversation with you, identifying objects and interacting with its environment. Anyone can easily compose programs via the graphical interface of the Choregraphe Software. Students can explore event-based, sequential or parallel programming using the configurable behavior boxes. You can also create your own behaviors, as well as using Python to write more complex scripts.

8 43 Unit 10 New robots Part5 NAO
NAO can be programmed by either connecting an Ethernet cable between the robot and your computer, or via a WiFi link. The Webots for NAO Software allows you to simulate your robot programs in a virtual environment that has real world physics. The on-screen NAO can interact with objects in the virtual world, allowing students to test their programs whilst others are using the NAO hardware. The software suite is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux.

9 43 Unit 10 New robots Part5 NAO Vocabulary versions ['vɝʒən] release
[rɪ'lis] vt.释放;发射;让与;允许发表 institution [,ɪnstə'tjʊʃən] n.体系 identify [aɪ'dɛntɪfaɪ] vt.确定;鉴定;识别 autonomous [ɔ'tɑnəməs] adj.自治的;自主的;自发的 sequential [sɪ'kwɛnʃl] adj.连续的;相继的;有顺序的 script [skrɪpt] n. 脚本;手迹;书写用的字母 interact [,ɪntɚ'ækt] vt.互相影响 vi.互相作用 更多免费资源


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