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Online Legal and Ethical Issues

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Presentation on theme: "Online Legal and Ethical Issues"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Legal and Ethical Issues

2 Overview Issues of responsibility for libel, obscenity and indecency
Aspects of copyright Issues involved in user agreement contracts Legal and ethical issues of linking Ethics of writing blogs

3 Libel Libel—publication of false information that is defamatory
Statements contained in Web pages, chat rooms or discussion boards are considered subject to libel suits Who is held accountable for libel?

4 Forum Shopping A U.S. news organization that publishes a Web site could be sued for libel by a country located half way around the world

5 Obscenity and Indecency
Communications Decency Act of 1996—sought to apply strict indecency standards to Internet Supreme Court has ruled that the Internet should not be regulated as strictly as television broadcasts Attempts to restrict indecent material on the Internet violated the First Amendment

6 Copyright Copyright law protects Web pages, s and postings to discussion groups Such items are recognized by law as being the property of their authors Fair use—allows others to use part of a copyrighted work in certain situations

7 Copyright and the Internet
No previous medium has made it so easy to copy its content Napster—most famous Internet copyright case Journalists should generally assume that everything on the Internet is copyrighted, unless it is expressly offered for public domain use (e.g., some government sites)

8 User Agreements Nearly every journalism site has a set of rules in which they set conditions for the use of the site In some cases, user agreements are restrictive and could damage free flow of information

9 Linking Law Legal issues with linking involve copyright and unfair competition Deep linking Inline linking Framing Associative linking Linking to illegal or infringing material

10 Ethical Issues—Linking
Will the link promote controversial points of view? Are different points of view presented fairly and are they well balanced? Are editorial and advertising content clearly separated?

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