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Australia and Northwest America

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1 Australia and Northwest America



4 Thesis The tribes of Native America were far more ‘civilised’ than their counterparts in Australia. Why? - Generally, the land in Northwest America was more hospitable to animal and plant-life, allowing the Americans to settle down and continually hunt, forage and gather off the same land. On the other hand, Australia possesses a far more barren climate – especially the Outback. As a result, food was far more scarce and they had to keep moving to find it.


6 Categories Economic Society Permanent Villages

7 Economic Native Americans had economic specialisation: - Masons
- Artisans - Shamans - Warriors Whereas, the aboriginals had no specialisation and everyone was geared towards hunting & gathering; providing for the village only. Both traded across their respective regions and with neighboring tribes.

8 Economy Post-Columbus
The Europeans sought to trade more with the Native Americans than the Aboriginals. Sought Fur from Americans, and gave them firearms in exchange.

9 Society Native Americans had a social hierarchy, whereas the aboriginals didn’t. Chief > Shaman > Warrior > Everyone else Both mythologies were rooted in the mystery of nature. Some Native Americans owned slaves, whereas Aboriginals didn’t.


11 Society Post-Columbus
In the centuries that followed European arrival, the indigenous populations were removed from their lands and placed in reservations. Both were unable to combat the European settlers, who were equipped with gunpowder and steel. Today, both are a minority in their respective areas.

12 Settlements Native Americans lived in permanent villages, whereas Aboriginals didn’t. Native Americans often stored food, whereas Aboriginals didn’t.

13 Settlements Post-Columbus
Both peoples lost their freedoms. The Americans continued to live in villages; but on reservations dictated by Europeans. The Aboriginals were nomads no more - living on European reservations instead. The Americans were far more combative towards the Europeans, but both peoples’ efforts were ultimately in vain.


15 Conclusion Native American tribes bore far more similarity to civilisations than that of the Aboriginals. Native Americans had economic specialisation, social hierarchies and permanent villages. Both were utterly and permanently devastated by the arrival of European colonists.

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