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20 Phylogeny
Warm-Up Please complete the Socrative Self Evaluation
Room Code: ZABLOTSKY320
Overview: Investigating the Evolutionary History of Life
Legless lizards and snakes evolved from different lineages of lizards with legs Legless lizards have evolved independently in several different groups through adaptation to similar environments 3
Figure 20.1 Figure 20.1 What kind of organism is this? 4
No limbs Eastern glass lizard Monitor lizard Iguanas ANCESTRAL Snakes
Figure 20.2 No limbs Eastern glass lizard Monitor lizard Iguanas ANCESTRAL LIZARD (with limbs) Snakes Figure 20.2 Convergent evolution of limbless bodies No limbs Geckos 5
Phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a species or group of related species
The discipline of systematics classifies organisms and determines their evolutionary relationships 6
Concept 20.1: Phylogenies show evolutionary relationships
Taxonomy is the ordered division and naming of organisms 7
Binomial Nomenclature
In the 18th century, Carolus Linnaeus published a system of taxonomy based on resemblances Two key features of his system remain useful today: two-part names for species and hierarchical classification 8
The two-part scientific name of a species is called a binomial
The first part of the name is the genus The second part, called the specific epithet, is unique for each species within the genus The first letter of the genus is capitalized, and the entire species name is italicized Both parts together name the species (not the specific epithet alone) 9
Hierarchical Classification
Linnaeus introduced a system for grouping species in increasingly broad categories The taxonomic groups from narrow to broad are species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, and domain 10
Kingdom: Animalia Domain: Bacteria Domain: Archaea Domain: Eukarya
Figure 20.3 Species: Panthera pardus Genus: Panthera Family: Felidae Order: Carnivora Class: Mammalia Figure 20.3 Linnaean classification Phylum: Chordata Kingdom: Animalia Domain: Bacteria Domain: Archaea Domain: Eukarya 11
A taxonomic unit at any level of hierarchy is called a taxon
The broader taxa are not comparable between lineages For example, an order of snails has less genetic diversity than an order of mammals 12
Linking Classification and Phylogeny
Systematists depict evolutionary relationships in branching phylogenetic trees 13
Order Family Genus Species Felidae Panthera pardus (leopard) Panthera
Figure 20.4 Order Family Genus Species Felidae Panthera pardus (leopard) Panthera Taxidea taxus (American badger) Taxidea Carnivora Mustelidae Lutra lutra (European otter) Lutra 1 Figure 20.4 The connection between classification and phylogeny Canis latrans (coyote) Canidae Canis 2 Canis lupus (gray wolf) 14
Linnaean classification and phylogeny can differ from each other
Systematists have proposed that classification be based entirely on evolutionary relationships 15
Sister taxa are groups that share an immediate common ancestor
A phylogenetic tree represents a hypothesis about evolutionary relationships Each branch point represents the divergence of two taxa from a common ancestor Sister taxa are groups that share an immediate common ancestor 16
A polytomy is a branch from which more than two groups emerge
A rooted tree includes a branch to represent the most recent common ancestor of all taxa in the tree A basal taxon diverges early in the history of a group and originates near the common ancestor of the group A polytomy is a branch from which more than two groups emerge 17
where lineages diverge Taxon A
Figure 20.5 Branch point: where lineages diverge Taxon A 3 Taxon B Sister taxa 4 Taxon C 2 Taxon D 5 Taxon E ANCESTRAL LINEAGE 1 Taxon F Figure 20.5 How to read a phylogenetic tree Basal taxon Taxon G This branch point represents the common ancestor of taxa A−G. This branch point forms a polytomy: an unresolved pattern of divergence. 18
What We Can and Cannot Learn from Phylogenetic Trees
Phylogenetic trees show patterns of descent, not phenotypic similarity Phylogenetic trees do not generally indicate when a species evolved or how much change occurred in a lineage It should not be assumed that a taxon evolved from the taxon next to it 19
Applying Phylogenies Phylogeny provides important information about similar characteristics in closely related species Phylogenetic trees based on DNA sequences can be used to infer species identities For example: A phylogeny was used to identify the species of whale from which “whale meat” originated 20
(Southern Hemisphere)
Figure 20.6 Results Minke (Southern Hemisphere) Unknowns 1a, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Minke (North Atlantic) Unknown 9 Humpback Unknown 1b Blue Figure 20.6 Inquiry: What is the species identity of food being sold as whale meat? Unknowns 10, 11, 12, 13 Fin 21
Warm-Up 9/15/2016 Describe how phylogeny is used to understand relationships.
Concept 20.2: Phylogenies are inferred from morphological and molecular data
To infer phylogeny, systematists gather information about morphologies, genes, and biochemistry of living organisms The similarities used to infer phylogenies must result from shared ancestry 23
Morphological and Molecular Homologies
Phenotypic and genetic similarities due to shared ancestry are called homologies Organisms with similar morphologies or DNA sequences are likely to be more closely related than organisms with different structures or sequences 24
Sorting Homology from Analogy
When constructing a phylogeny, systematists need to distinguish whether a similarity is the result of homology or analogy Homology is similarity due to shared ancestry Analogy is similarity due to convergent evolution 25
Convergent evolution occurs when similar environmental pressures and natural selection produce similar (analogous) adaptations in organisms from different evolutionary lineages 26
Figure 20.7 Figure 20.7 Convergent evolution of analogous burrowing characteristics 27
Bat and bird wings are homologous as forelimbs, but analogous as functional wings
Analogous structures or molecular sequences that evolved independently are also called homoplasies Homology can be distinguished from analogy by comparing fossil evidence and the degree of complexity The more complex two similar structures are, the more likely it is that they are homologous 28
Evaluating Molecular Homologies
Molecular homologies are determined based on the degree of similarity in nucleotide sequence between taxa Systematists use computer programs when analyzing comparable DNA segments from different organisms 29
1 C C A T C A G A G T C C 2 C C A T C A G A G T C C Figure 20.8-1
Figure Aligning segments of DNA (step 1) 30
1 C C A T C A G A G T C C 2 C C A T C A G A G T C C Deletion 1 C C A T
Figure 1 C C A T C A G A G T C C 2 C C A T C A G A G T C C Deletion 1 C C A T C A G A G T C C 2 C C A T C A G A G T C C G T A Insertion Figure Aligning segments of DNA (step 2) 31
1 C C A T C A G A G T C C 2 C C A T C A G A G T C C Deletion 1 C C A T
Figure 1 C C A T C A G A G T C C 2 C C A T C A G A G T C C Deletion 1 C C A T C A G A G T C C 2 C C A T C A G A G T C C G T A Insertion 1 C C A T C A A G T C C Figure Aligning segments of DNA (step 3) 2 G T A C C A T C A A G T C C G 32
1 C C A T C A G A G T C C 2 C C A T C A G A G T C C Deletion 1 C C A T
Figure 1 C C A T C A G A G T C C 2 C C A T C A G A G T C C Deletion 1 C C A T C A G A G T C C 2 C C A T C A G A G T C C G T A Insertion 1 C C A T C A A G T C C Figure Aligning segments of DNA (step 4) 2 G T A C C A T C A A G T C C G 1 C C A T C A A G T C C 2 G T A G C C A T C A A G T C C 33
Shared bases in nucleotide sequences that are otherwise very dissimilar are called molecular homoplasies 34
Figure 20.9 A C G G A T A G T C C A C T A G G C A C T A T C A C C G A C A G G T C T T T G A C T A G Figure 20.9 A molecular homoplasy 35
Concept 20.3: Shared characters are used to construct phylogenetic trees
Once homologous characters have been identified, they can be used to infer a phylogeny 36
Cladistics Cladistics classifies organisms by common descent
A clade is a group of species that includes an ancestral species and all its descendants Clades can be nested in larger clades, but not all groupings of organisms qualify as clades 37
A valid clade is monophyletic, signifying that it consists of the ancestor species and all its descendants 38
(a) Monophyletic group (clade) (b) Paraphyletic group
Figure 20.10 (a) Monophyletic group (clade) (b) Paraphyletic group (c) Polyphyletic group A A A 1 1 B Group I B B Group III C C C D D D E E Group II E 2 2 Figure Monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic groups F F F G G G 39
(a) Monophyletic group (clade)
Figure 20.10a (a) Monophyletic group (clade) A 1 B Group I C D Figure 20.10a Monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic groups (part 1: monophyletic) E F G 40
A paraphyletic grouping consists of an ancestral species and some, but not all, of the descendants
(b) Paraphyletic group
Figure 20.10b (b) Paraphyletic group A B C D Figure 20.10b Monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic groups (part 2: paraphyletic) E Group II 2 F G 42
A polyphyletic grouping consists of various taxa with different ancestors
(c) Polyphyletic group
Figure 20.10c (c) Polyphyletic group A 1 B Group III C D Figure 20.10c Monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic groups (part 3: polyphyletic) E 2 F G 44
Shared Ancestral and Shared Derived Characters
In comparison with its ancestor, an organism has both shared and different characteristics 45
A shared ancestral character is a character that originated in an ancestor of the taxon
A shared derived character is an evolutionary novelty unique to a particular clade A character can be both ancestral and derived, depending on the context 46
Inferring Phylogenies Using Derived Characters
When inferring evolutionary relationships, it is useful to know in which clade a shared derived character first appeared 47
TAXA Lancelet (outgroup) (outgroup) Lancelet Lamprey Leopard Bass Frog
Figure 20.11 TAXA Lancelet (outgroup) (outgroup) Lancelet Lamprey Leopard Bass Frog Turtle Lamprey Vertebral column (backbone) 1 1 1 1 1 Bass Vertebral column Hinged jaws 1 1 1 1 Frog Four walking legs Hinged jaws CHARACTERS 1 1 1 Turtle Four walking legs Amnion 1 1 Figure Constructing a phylogenetic tree Amnion Hair 1 Leopard Hair (a) Character table (b) Phylogenetic tree 48
TAXA (outgroup) Lancelet Lamprey Leopard Bass Turtle Frog Vertebral
Figure 20.11a TAXA (outgroup) Lancelet Lamprey Leopard Bass Turtle Frog Vertebral column (backbone) 1 1 1 1 1 Hinged jaws 1 1 1 1 Four walking legs CHARACTERS 1 1 1 Figure 20.11a Constructing a phylogenetic tree (part 1: character table) Amnion 1 1 Hair 1 (a) Character table 49
Lancelet (outgroup) Lamprey Bass Vertebral column Frog Hinged jaws
Figure 20.11b Lancelet (outgroup) Lamprey Bass Vertebral column Frog Hinged jaws Turtle Four walking legs Figure 20.11b Constructing a phylogenetic tree (part 2: phylogenetic tree) Amnion Leopard Hair (b) Phylogenetic tree 50
The outgroup is a group that has diverged before the ingroup
An outgroup is a species or group of species that is closely related to the ingroup, the various species being studied The outgroup is a group that has diverged before the ingroup Systematists compare each ingroup species with the outgroup to differentiate between shared derived and shared ancestral characteristics 51
Characters shared by the outgroup and ingroup are ancestral characters that predate the divergence of both groups from a common ancestor 52
Phylogenetic Trees with Proportional Branch Lengths
In some trees, the length of a branch can reflect the number of genetic changes that have taken place in a particular DNA sequence in that lineage 53
Drosophila Lancelet Zebrafish Frog Chicken Human Mouse Figure 20.12
Figure Branch lengths can represent genetic change Mouse 54
In other trees, branch length can represent chronological time, and branching points can be determined from the fossil record 55
Drosophila Lancelet Zebrafish Frog Chicken Human Mouse 542 251
Figure 20.13 Drosophila Lancelet Zebrafish Frog Chicken Human Figure Branch lengths can indicate time Mouse PALEOZOIC MESOZOIC CENOZOIC 542 251 65.5 Present Millions of years ago 56
Maximum Parsimony Systematists can never be sure of finding the best tree in a large data set They narrow possibilities by applying the principle of maximum parsimony 57
Computer programs are used to search for trees that are parsimonious
Maximum parsimony assumes that the tree that requires the fewest evolutionary events (appearances of shared derived characters) is the most likely Computer programs are used to search for trees that are parsimonious 58
Three phylogenetic hypotheses:
Figure 20.14 Technique 1/C I I III 1/C II III II 1/C III II I 1/C 1/C Species I Species II Species III 3/A 2/T 3/A Three phylogenetic hypotheses: I I III 2/T 3/A 4/C I I III II III II II III II 4/C 4/C 2/T III II I 3/A 4/C 2/T 4/C 2/T 3/A III II I Site Figure Research method: applying parsimony to a problem in molecular systematics 1 2 3 4 Results Species I C T A T I I III Species II C T T C II III II Species III A G A C III II I Ancestral sequence A G T T 6 events 7 events 7 events 59
I I III II III II III II I Species I Species II Species III
Figure 20.14a Technique Species I Species II Species III Three phylogenetic hypotheses: Figure 20.14a Research method: applying parsimony to a problem in molecular systematics (part 1: hypothesis) I I III II III II III II I 60
Technique Site 1 2 3 4 Species I C T A T Species II C T T C
Figure 20.14b Technique Site 1 2 3 4 Species I C T A T Species II C T T C Species III A G A C Figure 20.14b Research method: applying parsimony to a problem in molecular systematics (part 2: table) Ancestral sequence A G T T 61
Technique 1/C I I III 1/C II III II 1/C III II I 1/C 1/C 3/A 2/T 3/A I
Figure 20.14c Technique 1/C I I III 1/C II III II 1/C III II I 1/C 1/C 3/A 2/T 3/A I I III 2/T Figure 20.14c Research method: applying parsimony to a problem in molecular systematics (part 3: comparison) 3/A 4/C II III II 4/C 4/C 2/T III II I 3/A 4/C 2/T 4/C 2/T 3/A 62
Results I I III II III II III II I 6 events 7 events 7 events
Figure 20.14d Results I I III II III II III II I Figure 20.14d Research method: applying parsimony to a problem in molecular systematics (part 4: results) 6 events 7 events 7 events 63
Phylogenetic Trees as Hypotheses
The best hypotheses for phylogenetic trees fit the most data: morphological, molecular, and fossil Phylogenetic hypotheses are modified when new evidence arises 64
Phylogenetic bracketing allows us to predict features of ancestors and their extinct descendants based on the features of closely related living descendants For example, phylogenetic bracketing allows us to infer characteristics of dinosaurs based on shared characters in modern birds and crocodiles 65
Lizards and snakes Crocodilians Ornithischian dinosaurs Common
Figure 20.15 Lizards and snakes Crocodilians Ornithischian dinosaurs Common ancestor of crocodilians, dinosaurs, and birds Saurischian dinosaurs Figure A phylogenetic tree of birds and their close relatives Birds 66
The fossil record supports nest building and brooding in dinosaurs
Birds and crocodiles share several features: four-chambered hearts, song, nest building, and brooding These characteristics likely evolved in a common ancestor and were shared by all of its descendants, including dinosaurs The fossil record supports nest building and brooding in dinosaurs 67
Figure 20.16 Figure A crocodile guards its nest. 68
(b) Artist’s reconstruction of the dinosaur’s posture based on
Figure 20.17 Front limb Hind limb Eggs Figure Fossil support for a phylogenetic prediction (b) Artist’s reconstruction of the dinosaur’s posture based on the fossil findings (a) Fossil remains of Oviraptor and eggs 69
(a) Fossil remains of Oviraptor and eggs
Figure 20.17a Front limb Hind limb Figure 20.17a Fossil support for a phylogenetic prediction (part 1: fossil) Eggs (a) Fossil remains of Oviraptor and eggs 70
(b) Artist’s reconstruction of the dinosaur’s posture based on
Figure 20.17b Figure 20.17b Fossil support for a phylogenetic prediction (part 2: artist’s reconstruction) (b) Artist’s reconstruction of the dinosaur’s posture based on the fossil findings 71
Proteobacteria (Mitochondria)* Chlamydias Domain Bacteria Spirochetes
Figure 20.20c Proteobacteria (Mitochondria)* Chlamydias Spirochetes Domain Bacteria Gram-positive bacteria Figure 20.20c The three domains of life (part 3: bacteria) Cyanobacteria (Chloroplasts)* 72
Domains Bacteria and Archaea are single-celled prokaryotes
The three-domain system highlights the importance of single-celled organisms in the history of life Domains Bacteria and Archaea are single-celled prokaryotes Only three lineages in the domain Eukarya are dominated by multicellular organisms, kingdoms Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia 73
The Important Role of Horizontal Gene Transfer
The tree of life suggests that eukaryotes and archaea are more closely related to each other than to bacteria The tree of life is based largely on rRNA genes, which have evolved slowly, allowing detection of homologies between distantly related organisms Other genes indicate different evolutionary relationships 74
Horizontal gene transfer complicates efforts to build a tree of life
There have been substantial interchanges of genes between organisms in different domains Horizontal gene transfer is the movement of genes from one genome to another Horizontal gene transfer occurs by exchange of transposable elements and plasmids, viral infection, and fusion of organisms Horizontal gene transfer complicates efforts to build a tree of life 75
Horizontal gene transfer may have been common enough that the early history of life is better depicted by a tangled web than a branching tree 76
Domain Eukarya Archaea Domain Domain Bacteria Fungi Plantae
Figure 20.21 Fungi Domain Eukarya Plantae Chloroplasts Methanogens Archaea Domain Ancestral cell populations Mitochondria Thermophiles Figure A tangled web of life Cyanobacteria Proteobacteria Domain Bacteria 77
Domain Eukarya Fungi Plantae Ancestral cell populations Figure 20.21a
Figure 20.21a A tangled web of life (part 1: eukarya) 78
Archaea Domain Domain Bacteria Methanogens Thermophiles Ancestral cell
Figure 20.21b Methanogens Archaea Domain Thermophiles Ancestral cell populations Cyanobacteria Proteobacteria Domain Bacteria Figure 20.21b A tangled web of life (part 2: archaea and bacteria) 79
(a) (b) (c) A B A B D C C C B D A A Figure 20.UN01
Figure 20.UN01 Concept check 20.1, p. 385 (a) (b) (c) 80
Reptiles (including birds) OTHER TETRAPODS Dimetrodon Cynodonts
Figure 20.UN02 Reptiles (including birds) OTHER TETRAPODS Dimetrodon Cynodonts Figure 20.UN02 Concept check 20.3, p. 392 Mammals 81
Brown bear Polar bear American black bear Asian black bear Sun bear
Figure 20.UN03 Brown bear 7 Polar bear 4 American black bear 6 Asian black bear 5 3 Sun bear 2 Figure 20.UN03 Skills exercise: interpreting data in a phylogenetic tree Sloth bear 1 Spectacled bear Giant panda 82
Branch point Taxon A Most recent Taxon B common ancestor Sister taxa
Figure 20.UN04 Branch point Taxon A Most recent common ancestor Taxon B Sister taxa Taxon C Taxon D Taxon E Figure 20.UN04 Summary of key concepts: evolutionary relationships Polytomy Taxon F Taxon G Basal taxon 83
A A A B B B C C C D D D E E E F F F G G G Monophyletic group
Figure 20.UN05 Monophyletic group Polyphyletic group A A A B B B C C C D D D E E E Figure 20.UN05 Summary of key concepts: shared characters F F F G G G Paraphyletic group 84
Salamander Lizard Goat Human Figure 20.UN06
Figure 20.UN06 Test your understanding, question 5 Human 85
Figure 20.UN07 Figure 20.UN07 Test your understanding, question 8 86
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