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EPOSTL through the eyes of student teachers and teacher trainers

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1 EPOSTL through the eyes of student teachers and teacher trainers
Abdülvahit Çakır- Cem Balçıkanlı Gazi University 1st International Foreign Language Teaching Conference: Independent Learning Gaziantep, 2010

2 MAP * EPOSTL * STUDY Context Steps Comments Suggestions
Our session today is twofold. On the one hand, we have got, EPOSTL, which we will be taking a deep look at. Within this perspective, we will be going over the basic characteristics of Epostl along with how it can be used in teacher education. On the other hand, we will report our small scale research study,which investigates student teachers and teacher trainers’ perspectives on the EPOSTL. In this regard, we will have four points to report. Context, where the study was held, steps we took in conducting the study, both student teachers and teacher trainers’ comments come along afterwards, and in line with those comments, we will make certain recommendations as to how to make use of the EPOSTL in pre-service language teacher education.

3 This is how the EPOSTL looks like.

4 (European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages)
Developed for the European Centre for Modern Languages/Council of Europe by a team of teacher educators from 5 different countries (Austria, Armenia, Norway, Poland, UK, led by David Newby.) Rebecca Allan, Anne-Brit Fenner, Barry Jones, Hanna Komorowska & Kristine Soghikyan from the above countries Available in various European languages (English, German, French, Polish, Turkish (coming soon) Harmonising teacher education in Europe Let’s have a deeper look at the EPOSTL. * The EPOSTL was developed for the EUropean Centre for Modern Languages/Council of Europe. Behind this project, there was a team of teacher educators from 5 different countries. The leader was David Newby. After the project was completed in 2007, the team started the dissemination process. Since then various countries have been in the process of disseminating the EPOSTL. * the EPOSTL is available in various european languages. Turkish will be one of them pretty soon. I have received approval from the centre, I will be handling the translation process. * the overall aim is to harmonise teacher education in Europe. Whatever is done in terms of language teacher education in Czech Republic, it is more or less the same as that in Lithaniua.

5 More about EPOSTL (1) process and no “show case“ portfolio
belongs to the [student] teacher, and is no assessment or grading tool General Objectives: increase transparency of education programmes encourage a reflective mode in teacher education (Akbari, 2007) aid comparison of teacher education programmes * What is important here is that the EPOSTL should be regarded as a kind of process portfolio rather than a product one, in this regard it doesnt have any grading aspets, rather it should it should be used as an instrument that helps student teachers to reflect on their knowledge, skills and values. * Being entirelythe property of the student teacher, the EPOSTL will never become anything like an instrument of control or external assessment. When it comes to the general objectives, there are three important aims to underline 1) increase transparency of education programmes, Like Dam ‘attempts to make the classroom situation transparent to her learners by making them aware of the link between what they do, how they do it, why they do it, and what they have learnt 2) encouragement of reflective mode in teacher education, This comprises, among others, reflection on the role of the teacher as opposed to the learner; reflection on working methods and resources; reflection on classroom practice and lesson planning; in short: supporting 3) aid comparison of teacher education programmes 5

6 More about EPOSTL (2) Target groups:
student teachers, teachers, but also teacher educators, curriculum designers. Underlying principles: the concept of teacher & learner autonomy, CLT, interdependence of language & culture, ICT a tool for reflection, dialogue & self-assessment The aiim of the EPOSTL is to provide a tool for reflection and self assessment for student teachers during their initial teacher education, however target groups as well as student teachers themselves are teachers, teacher educators, curriculum designers. In this study we will take two of them student teachers and teacher educators As far as the underlying principles are concerned, there are certain principles behind the EPOSTL. To clarify, teacher and learner autonomy constitute the vey heart of the EPOSTL as well as COmmunicative language teaching. The descriptors are more or less based on clt in a way. Also there is an important link between language and culture in the EPOST. Since we are living in the era of information, the EPOSTL has some relevance to ICT. Above all, the EPOSTL can contribute to the creation of a much needed reflection tool in teacher education. Also, the EPOSTL, in this regard, seems to facilitate the dialogue between student teachers and teacher educators. Apart from its role as a tool for reflection, the EPOSTL is also an instrument for self-assessment. With the initial guidance of the teacher educator and later on her own initiative, the student teacher can make several self-assessments at different points in her education programme.

7 The EPOSTL in the European context
Language Teaching Language Learning Common European Frame of Reference > Reference tool f. teaching, learning & assessment European Profile for Language Teacher Education > Reference tool f. teacher education programmes Some years ago, CEFR provided a practical tool for setting clear standarts too be attained at successive stages of learning and for evaluating outcomes in an internationally comparable manner. Thus, the Common euroepan framework provides a basis for the mutual recognition of language qualifications, thereby faciliating educational and occupational mobility. In a similar vein, the EPOSTL, is a document for students undergoing initial teacher education. This way the EPOSTL, similar to CEFR, offers a unique set of standarts to be utilized in language teacher education. European Language Portfolio > Tool for Reflection & Self-assessment EPOSTL > Tool for Reflection & Self-assessment

8 The principal aims of the EPOSTL
Siena February, 2008 The principal aims of the EPOSTL The aims of the EPOSTL can be found in the User’s Guide The EPOSTL has various aims, the main ones of which are: David Newby

9 Siena February, 2008 to encourage students to reflect on the competences a teacher strives to attain and on the underlying knowledge which feeds these competences Since the principal aim of the epost is reflection itself, the epostl, helps student teachers to reflect on how well they have been doing in terms of their teaching practice. David Newby

10 to promote discussion between students and between students and their teacher educators and mentors
It also promotes discussion between students and betwen student teachers and teacher educators. When teacher educators work with their own students on the EPOSTL, of course it is the interaction between them

11 to facilitate self-assessment of students’ competence
Self-assessment, a very key point in reflection, can be actualized through the use of epostl as student teachers themselves have the opportunity to make self-assessment at various points in their education programmes.

12 To help students develop awareness of their strengths and weaknesses related to teaching
the epostl can lead a kind of awareness in which ‘why, when, where and how pedagogical skills can be acquired and used in the self-conscious awareness of teaching practice itself’ 12

13 The structure of the EPOSTL
Siena February, 2008 The structure of the EPOSTL I’d like to divert your attention to the structure of the epostl David Newby

14 Siena February, 2008 The EPOSTL is divided Into eight sections, three of which comprise the actual working sections which require the students to perform tasks: These are the ‘Personal statement’, the ‘Self -Assessment section’ and the ‘Dossier’. The other sections serve the purpose of reference. David Newby

15 Siena February, 2008 The Personal Statement is intended for students at the beginning of their teacher education and will probably represent their first contact with the EPOSTL. David Newby

16 Siena February, 2008 Just after the personal info, this section contains various tasks and questions which require students to reflect on their experiences of learning and on their views of teaching. One of the purposes of this section is to provide a focus on the process of reflection, which is an essential aspect of the rationale of the EPOSTL. Here, for instance, student teachers are asked to report their contact with teaching, ie. What aspects of their own languaage teaching might influence how they wish or do not wish to teach? David Newby

17 Positive: Actually I cannot remember my primary classes, but when I was at high school my teacher was like a friend.She always encouraged us and she was always speaking English. For the first lesson I can remember even if we were at high school we had played “Silly Sally” game. It was enjoyful and she tried to teach us in an enjoyful way and always encouraged us by making us speak English. She was not so strict person but we used to had good lessons. We used to both enjoy and learn. With her help now I’m here. Negative: Again in high school I had an another teacher. She was also good at English but she could not have an authority so we did not have a good atmosphere. Nevertheless she was trying to make us participate in the lesson. She always wanted us to do exercises. It was boring.

18 Categorisation of descriptors
Siena February, 2008 Categorisation of descriptors Context Methodology Resources Lesson planning Conducting a lesson Independent Learning Assessment of learning In order to make the descriptors both more coherent and more user-friendly they are grouped into seven general categories, which have the following headings. The seven categories represent areas in which teachers require a variety of competences and need to make decisions related to teaching. At the beginning of each section is a brief introductory text which discusses some of the issues relating to the respective topic area. David Newby

19 Siena February, 2008 Each general category is further divided into sub-topics, providing a total of 32 areas and 195 competence descriptors. This organisation provides a flexible structure which allows the competence descriptors to be dealt with in any order appropriate to the course content, teaching practice etc. and also allows for recycling. David Newby

20 Siena February, 2008 Within each subdivision are the actual descriptors which vary in number according to the topic. David Newby

21 each descriptor is accompanied by an open bar with a forward-pointing arrow. These bars help students both to assess their competence and to chart their progress as they gain more knowledge and experience of teaching. Here you can see two examples of descriptors relating to the sub-topic of context: “Curriculum”.


23 dossier Dossier comes along after “self-assessment” descriptors. Evidence from lessons, evidence in the form of lesson observations and evaluations, Evidence such as detailed reports, comments, checklists etc. Compiled, Evidence from your analysis of what you have done as a teacher, Evidence in the form of case studies and action research, Evidence from refl ection,

24 At the end of the EPOSTL is a glossary of important terms connected with language learning and teaching used in the descriptors. These definitions correspond to a large extent to those found in the Common European Framework of Reference.

25 index An index of terms used in the descriptors. it is, then, user-friendly.

26 User’s guide Again, in user’s guide, one can see the basic concepts underlined in the EPOSTL as well as the core definitions of each section in detail.

27 Siena February, 2008 The Common European Framework for Languages provides a common basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses, curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks etc. across Europe. The EPOSTL provides a common basis for the specification and discussion of competences and teacher education curricula across Europe. We have given a similar chart at the very beginning of the session. As far as the Common European Framework is concerned, there are various similarities in its rationale with the EPOSTL. First of all, we can cite the aim to provide common ground for teachers and teacher educators across Europe. Just as the Common European Framework provides a common basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses, curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks etc. across Europe, the EPOSTL aims to provide a common basis for student teachers, teachers and teacher educators David Newby

28 Siena February, 2008 The Common European Framework (…) describes in a comprehensive way what language learners have to learn to do in order to use a language for communication and what knowledge and skills they have to develop so as to be able to act effectively. The EPOSTL describes in a comprehensive way what language teachers have to learn to do in order to teach learners to use a language for communication and what knowledge and skills they have to help learners to develop so as to be able to act effectively. One obvious difference is that while the Common European Framework is largely, though by no means exclusively, concerned with the learning of languages, the EPOSTL is essentially concerned with the teaching of languages. This can be seen from this quotation taken from the Common European Framework of Reference, which can be adapted to describe the EPOSTL, with its focus on teaching. As a result it can be said that the two documents complement each other, the one taking a learning perspective; the other a teaching perspective. David Newby

29 MAP * EPOSTL * STUDY Context Participants Steps Comments Suggestions
So far we have tried to give you a sense of what the epostl is, and how it can be used in pre-service language teacher education. From now on, we will report our small scale study.

30 Implementation of the EPOSTL in the ELT Department, Gazi University, Ankara
We are going to share the implementation of the epostl in the elt department,gazi university, ankara with you.

31 Context Before I get into some details, let me just briefly talk about the context in which the study was conducted. This study was held in the elt deparment, gazi university. (learner autonomy, australia makalesinden bulup koy buraya

32 Participants 25 student teachers 4 teacher trainers

33 Steps * introduction of the EPOSTL, working with selected descriptors
* collecting their expectations through open-ended questions * using the EPOSTL for a semester under the guidance of teacher trainers * interviewing both student teachers and teacher trainers upon the completion of the EPOSTL Here are the steps we took in conducting this study. first, introduction of the epostl Second, getting their expectations (student teachers) Third, employing the epostl for a semester Finally, on the basis ıof the questions, interviewing both student teachers and teacher trainers

34 Introduction of the EPOSTL
* One of the researchers introducted the EPOSTL to student teachers * At the same time, teacher trainers were informed about the EPOSTL The first step we took was to introduce the epostl to student teachers and teacher trainers. To do so, I gave a presentation on the basis aspects of the epostl including the working descriptors

35 Collecting their expectations (1)
I expect that this education (through Epostl) improves my perspective and makes me a perfect teacher because, knowing a language means knowing a culture and so this will provide me a new perspective of life. Teaching a language necessitates more information about the culture. The education I take will sometimes be difficult but this will help me be a distinguished teacher. Then, we collected student teachers’ expectations from the epostl through open-ended questions. Here are some expectations… Perfect teacher Culture… New perspective A distinguuished teacher

36 Collecting their expectations (2)
* it may be a great opportunity to monitor ourselves as student teaches. Especially, the step by step evaluation will enable us to construct the building properly. * it seems very useful in seeing my progress in time. * it will be useful for us to evaluate ourselves. By using EPOSTL effectively, we can see our mistakes and correct them. * it is very beneficial for us since it will make us realize how much progress we will make on our teaching. * being aware of my weaknesses and strengths in my teaching may help me improve my proficiency and competence. More of the expectations.. Monitoring Step by step evaluation Seeing my prgoress Evaluating ourselves Realizeing how much progress we will make More importantly, being aware of the weaknesses and strengths, These are all the principal aims of the EPOSTL

37 Using the EPOSTL for a semester
Thn the next step was to use the epostl wth student teachers merely for a semester, it was a kind of pilot project actually. Whilde doing so, I created a social networking group in Ning, called the epostl and I uploaded the presentation I did to introduce them the epostl, in adddition to that, I uploaded the pdf and doc version of the epostl, so they could write their comments on the epostl.

38 We invited all the student teachers I introducted the epostl, we have 81 students registered, however, as I told you earlier only 25 of them participated in the study, ın other words, out of 81, 25 actually used the epostl

39 Let me explain how we used the epostl,
The students who employed the epostl were second grade students, they were taking a class, entitled methodlolgoy, they were covering different aspects of teaching english , whatever topics they covered, they went to ning, they filled the relevant topics in .

40 Interviewing student teachers (*)
1- How did you find the use of the EPOSTL? 2- Do you think EPOSTL is useful for your professional development? 3- If so, how does it contribute to your teaching performance? 4- Did the EPOSTL serve as a tool for reflection and self-evaluation? 5- Did the use of the EPOSTL help you identify any specific areas you want to work on more? And, here are the questions we formulated to get student teachers’ comments on the epostl. After we formulated these questions, we did a pliot study with 5 studentsjust to make sure the questions were understandable and clear enough.

41 Comments by student teachers (1)
* It is a chance that we used EPOSTL because it showed us our development in teaching. I managed to see my mistakes as well as strengths. I really found it useful. * It is really beneficial in that EPOSTL helped me make certain progress, especially when looking back to the statements. * I am pretty sure EPOSTL provided good progress for me because I was given the opportunity to observe, evaluate my own teaching. * Very useful as with the help of EPOSTL I saw my progress in teaching English step by step. Here are the responses oto the first question. Useful, to show them their development in teaching Beneficial, to make certain progress Very influential in providing good progress

42 Comments by student teachers (2)
* I think it was a good step to take for us to asses our future profession. As I become more aware of the phases of my training, I can develop myself getting more benefits from EPOSTL. * EPOSTL helped me see my process of becoming a teacher, a successful one. I also believe it contributed to my professional development to a great extent. * Evaluating myself in this period, I believe, provided me a great deal of information that will shape my future teaching profession. * EPOSTL provided me an opportunity to establish my profession within a variety of ways. As for the second question, their future profession, they really believe the epostl palys a key role in that the tool itself helps them become more aware of the phases of their training. When they were evaluating themselves, they think this will vcontribute to their future porefssional development to a great extent,

43 Comments by student teachers (3)
* It was a kind of a mirror that showed my weaknesses about a specific point. When I did something during my teaching practice, it contributed to my performance a lot. * After we went over the various topics concerning teaching English, I looked back at how much I really understood them critically. * I had a great difficulty in creating speaking atmosphere in class, after we studied teaching speaking, I filled it in, and I believe now I have to study on how to allocate Here are the comments, A kind of mirror, specific points, the descriptor simply says that “ı can create a supportive atmosphere” when they look at this particular statement, they then have to go back and reflect how much tey can do in actuality.

44 Comments by student teachers (4)
It was really an important experience because I at least tried to assess my own competence in teaching. * It was very useful to see where I was and I would be in near future * I should say I did have a chance to evaluate myself about how good I was teaching. A long way to go, though. * It enabled me to see my weak points such as speaking interaction, how to manage large classes effectively. * It was very important in terms of self-evaluation and reflection. Self- evaluation adn reflection constitute the very key aims of the epostl,

45 Comments by student teachers (5)
Well I don‘t know, for instance, it‘s also this reflection on how good am I at [teaching] speaking or writing. Somehow listening seems to be some kind of a feared opponent of mine, for whatever reason, I haven‘t quite got the hang of this […] Maybe, when I am in a good mood, I might attend a course on teaching listening…because it is a reasonable thing to do, isn‘t it?... it [EPOSTL] has an impact, definitely!“

46 Challenges A) I found filling in the descriptors a bit difficult because it‘s hard to assess yourself. I mean nobody got a 100% obviously, but it‘s difficult to find out where you really are.“ B) Particularly at the beginning I found it extremely difficult to assess competences with the help of can-do-descriptors. I still feel I haven‘t got enough practical experience to do so. C) For many people, it is difficult to assess themselves. D) I don’t think I will be able to asses myself objectively because I have always had hard times judging myself even on daily things. E) EPOSTL looks like a good one, but I think using EPOSTL may be hard work. Of course, they faced some challenges in the process of the epostl as well Here are some of those. Assessing yourself might be not that easy to achieve all the time İt is a kind of hardwork..

47 interviewing teacher trainers
1- How useful do you think the EPOSTL is? 2- Do you think EPOSTL is useful for professional development? 3- If so, how does it contribute to student teachers’ teaching performance? 4- To what extent does the EPOSTL serve as a tool for reflection and self-evaluation? 5- Do you think the use of the EPOSTL helps student teachers identify the areas they should work on? 6- When do you think is the optimal time for introducing the EPOSTL to pre-service teachers? 7- How much assistance do you think student teachers should be given?

48 Comments by teacher trainers
1- Inside & outside the class, it enables students to do their own jobs, share their opinions, 2- It is very useful for professional development, enhance their teaching through reflection and they can do their own evaluation & assesment , how far and how much they can do, they can get feedback from their peers. 3- It helps student teachers to identify weak and strong point and to what extent they have to improve their weak points 4- It encourages views about language teaching, they can gain some insights about language teaching, 5- It may contribute to elt students’ teaching competences as long as they can follow the instructions properly 6- 2nd because they start taking teaching classess, their teaching awareness tends to develop 7- The epostl is not sufficient,back up and guidance from teacher trainers, sessions talking about the use of the epostl, how is it going on..

49 Reflection and professional growth [1]
It [critical reflection] is a response to past experience and involves conscious recall, and examination of the experience as a basis for evaluation and decision making, and as a source for planning and action. (Bartlett,1990) …self inquiry, and critical thinking […] as central for continuing professional growth […] help[ing] teachers move beyond a level where they are guided largely by impulse, intuition, or routine (Boud, Keogh, and Walker, 1985)

50 Reflection and professional growth [2]
Reflection as a pre-condition of professionalism for: > development of autonomy & self-assessment, > mediation between theory and practice (Akbari 2007)

51 Conclusion Student teachers & Teacher trainers EPOSTL Awareness Reflection Self-evaluation Teacher Autonomy Student teachers starting their teacher education will have to become aware of their own beliefs about and attitudes towards teaching and learning. In line with a recent trend in teacher education to move away from the mere transmission of methods and techniques towards a focus on teachers’ thinking and cognitive abilities, the EPOSTL seems to provide an ideal instrument for the promotion of awareness-raising and reflection. At this point, both student teachers and teacher trainers have reported their positive feelings about the use of the epostl. Here are the components that come out of the student teachers’ views. Awareness- student teachers report the value of awareness in the epostl in that they have the chance to see their weaknesses and strenghts in a more constructive sense Reflection- related to awareness, student teachers have developed a kind of reflection, going back to what they have done .. Wat else they need to do next .. Self-evaluation, By making the student teachers’ beliefs, attitudes and values the centre of attention, it can certainly be said that the EPOSTL supports the goals of teacher autonomy. Our research findings emerging the student teachers’ views simply indicate that these components have a great contribution to teacher autonomy.

52 Suggestions 1- E-epostl? An option? 2- Benchmarking? 3- A need to modify the EPOSTL in line with Turkish context? 1- e- epostl , since it is not that easy to carry the epostl all the time, we believe epostl can be employed as “e-epostl” 2- benchmarking 3- a need to

53 Thank you…..

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