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Presentation on theme: "RESEARCH PAPER REDO."— Presentation transcript:


2 3 Options Redo your paper
(attach new to old) DUE 5/2/14 See me if you have issues with printing, typing, and so on If you DID NOT DO A PAPER or you don’t want to fix yours, then see me for alternative assignment. Don’t do anything and keep the grade if you have!

3 Let’s look at the rubric…
INTRODUCTION  Hook is appropriate and intriguing A general overview of the subject/debate is provided Research subject is clearly identified and thesis is clearly stated Major claims are previewed

4 BODY Critical exploration of ideas
Subdivided into paragraphs containing major claims Paragraphs are well developed and remain on topic Major claims supported with sufficient and relevant evidence Paragraphs include a summary/analysis of evidence Paragraphs organized in logical order Effective transitions between paragraphs

5 CONCLUSION Conclusion reiterates thesis and major claims
Conclusion demonstrates application of information Conclusion ends on a memorable note

6 GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE Paper uses standard English grammar conventions
(e.g., S-V agreement, antecedent-pronoun agreement, verb tense agreement, spelling) Paper uses proper punctuation (e.g., no run-on sentences or comma splices) Paper uses appropriate tone, word choice, and point of view

7 SOURCES  Paper uses proper MLA format (min 2.5 pages, w/o Works Cited page) Paper uses a minimum of four academic research sources (70/30 rule*) In-text citations adhere to proper MLA format Works Cited page adheres to proper MLA format


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