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Word Parts 8 roots (white) 1 prefix (pink)

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1 Word Parts 8 roots (white) 1 prefix (pink)
Greek lesson 4 Word Parts 8 roots (white) 1 prefix (pink)

2 1. Path = Feeling or disease
Lesson 4: Roots 1. Path = Feeling or disease Example Words: Apathetic, sympathy, sociopath, pathetic, empathy, pathological

3 2. Batho; bathy = depth Lesson 4: Roots
Bathometer: An instrument for measuring the depth of a body of water. Bathesthesia: Sensibility to stimuli; such as, pain, movement, and pressure which activate receptors below the body surface but not in the viscera or the internal organs Batholite: A large mass of intrusive igneous rock believed to have solidified deep within the earth. Bathophobia: A fear of depths or of descending into depths; such as, occurs occurs when looking down into a well or when going down into a body of water in a submarine. Bathycentesis: A fear of depths or of descending into depths; such as, occurs occurs when looking down into a well or when going down into a body of water in a submarine. Example Words: Bathometer, bathesthesia, batholite, bathophobia, bathycentesis

4 3. Therap = cure, heal, treatment
Lesson 4: Roots 3. Therap = cure, heal, treatment Aromatherapy: The use of natural oils that have a pleasant smell to make a person feel better; especially, by rubbing the oils into the skin. Chemotherapy: The treatment of disease, especially of parasitic infections or cancer, by means of chemical substances which act selectively on micro-organisms or malignant tissue. Electroshock therapy: The passing of a small electric current through the brain to induce a seizure, used in the treatment of severe psychiatric disorders. Orthotherapy: Treatment aimed at correcting postural abnormalities. Example Words: Aromatherapy, chemotherapy, electroshock therapy, orthotherapy

5 4. Haem, hem, aem, em = blood Lesson 4: Roots
Hemochrome: the coloring matter of the blood Hemogastric: Accompanied by hemorrhaging into the stomach Hemorrhage: intense bleeding Hemoglobin: an element in the red corpuscles Hemorrhoids: dilated veins liable to discharge blood Hemophilia: bleeding which cannot be controlled Example Words: Hemochrome, hemogastric, hemorrhage, hemoglobin, hemorrhoids, hemophilia

6 5. Rhea, rheo, rrh, rhag = flow; gush; burst
Lesson 4: roots 5. Rhea, rheo, rrh, rhag = flow; gush; burst Electrorheology: The study of the flow of fluids under the influence of electric fields. Hemorheology: The science of the flow of blood in relation to the pressures, flow, volumes, and resistances in blood vessels Logorrhea: excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness Hemorrhage Diarrhea: a condition in which feces are discharged from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form. --- loose stools Example Words: Electrorheology, hemorheology, logorrhea, hemorrhage, diarrhea

7 6. Stat, sta = stand; stop Lesson 4: roots
Constant: fixed, steady, as in constant as a star Example Words: Stationary, status, statue, constant, obstacle

8 7. Erg, urg = work Lesson 4: roots
Ergonomics: (especially of workplace design) intended to provide optimum comfort and to avoid stress or injury. Anthropurgic: Pertaining to or influenced by the exercise of human power; operated on by man: opposed to physiurgic (which see). Metallurgy: the branch of science and technology concerned with the properties of metals and their production and purification. Example Words: Ergonomics, urgent, surgery, metallurgy, anthropurgic

9 8. Gno, gnos = know Lesson 4: roots
Agnostic: A person who believes that the existence of God is unknown, but does not deny the possibility that God exists Cognition: The mental process of knowing, including aspects; such as, awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. Cognizant: Having knowledge of something. // being aware Ignorance: A lack of knowledge, education, learning, information Prognosis: A medical opinion as to the likely course and outcome of a disease Example Words: Agnostic, diagnosis, cognition, cognizant, ignorance, prognosis

10 1. Hemi = half Lesson 4: prefix
Hemi, along with demi and semi mean half. There is a subtle difference in the interpretation of each word. Hemi means one side, the right or the left. Demi means less or not quite. Semi means partly. Hemisphere: Half of the globe Hemiparasite: a plant that obtains some nourishment from its host, but also photosynthesizes. Hemidemisemiquaver: short notes sung in trills Hemialgia: pain on one side of the head Example Words: Hemisphere, hemiparasite, hemidemisemiquaver, hemialgia

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