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Introduction to Engineering Multi-view Drawings - 1

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1 Introduction to Engineering Multi-view Drawings - 1
Agenda Multi-view Projections Multi-view Sketch Reference Material: ICGE Section 2.4.4 Sketching - 4

2 Multi-view Drawing is a collection of flat 2-D drawings that work together to give a complete and accurate description of an object. A multi-view drawing consists of a set of pictures, one showing each side, or face, of an object. The object has 3 dimensions: H, W, & D. Each side of the object has only 2 dimensions. For example: Front Face = H & W Top Face = W & D Right Side = H & D Sketching - 4

3 Defining the Six Principal Views
Although any face could be chosen to be the front, once front and two other face are selected all are determined. There are really SIX PRINICPAL VIEWS as defined in the diagram. Generally do not need all six to fully describe the object. In a multi-view drawing, the views are not labeled, but we know which ones they are on the drawing, because we always present them in the same relationship to each other. I.e. Top above front, right to right of front, etc. These are often called orthographic projections – because the line of sight is perpendicular to the principal view Sketching - 4

4 Pick a Front View that is most descriptive of object
Which Views to Present? General Guidelines Pick a Front View that is most descriptive of object Most common combination of views is to use: Front, Right Side, and Top

5 Idea is to have them take an object from the table.
Declare front. Rotate 90 degrees “up” to get top view. Rotate Back. Rotate 90degrees clockwise to get right side. This give three principal views commonly used. Sketching - 4

6 In-Class Exercise Sketch the top, front, & right side views of the object below. Pay attention to the location of the views.

7 Solution

8 Assignment Complete assignments 3 & 4 for tomorrow
On half isometric/half rectilinear grid paper provided, draw both the isometric and the top, front, and right side views of each object. Assignment 3: Bertoline, Problem 2.9 Pg. 56 #(6) Pg. 58 #(27) Assignment 4: Bertoline, Problem 2.9 Pg. 57 #(22) Pg. 58 #(31) Should have time to start these drawings in-class. Do at least one multi-view drawing together in class Sketching - 4

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