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Etiquette and Tips for a Successful Interview

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Presentation on theme: "Etiquette and Tips for a Successful Interview"— Presentation transcript:

1 Etiquette and Tips for a Successful Interview

2 Before the Interview Research  general information about organization/college Know their mission and/or philosophy Know what you are applying for Prepare for likely questions Dress professionally Hygiene – minimal perfume/cologne and look well-groomed Accessories – minimal jewelry and nothing too flashy

3 Before the Interview continued
Directions – Make sure you know where you are going Arrive early Practice Portfolio – include work, pen, paper, resume, references, etc. Go to sleep early the night before!

4 During the Interview Conduct yourself appropriately
Shake hands and introduce yourself Make eye contact with everyone Show excitement – but don’t overdo it! Don’t make “off-color” jokes Posture – sit up straight Turn off your cell phone DO NOT CHEW GUM

5 During the Interview continued
Make it a two-way conversation Ask questions This is your chance to get the “inside scoop” Express an interest/show knowledge of the institution Avoid saying: like, er, um, uh, etc. Do NOT discuss politics, religion or other sensitive/inappropriate topics

6 During the Interview continued
Be positive Be yourself Ask when they will notify you and how Thank everyone and shake their hand

7 After the Interview Send a thank you note Evaluate your performance
Be sure to follow-up if the notification time frame has passed Continue to look for other opportunities – do not assume anything

8 Odds and Ends Remember to have an appropriate email address
Have an appropriate phone message Answer your phone properly Enunciate clearly When leaving a message: say name first, phone number, reason for call and contact information again

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