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Settling Utah A WebQuest.

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Presentation on theme: "Settling Utah A WebQuest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Settling Utah A WebQuest

2 Getting Started Your objective is to use the Internet to help you explore the state of Utah. You will create a map of the present state which shows the important historical and geographical features related to the settlement of Utah.

3 Your Assignment You will create a map of the present state of Utah showing important historical and geographic sites. With help from the Internet, you can find information and maps to aid you. Your final map can be printed or hand drawn (be creative and make your map unique). You will present your map to the class and give a 5-10 minute explanation of your findings about the Settlement Patterns of Utah.

4 Download a Map of Utah
Print your own map

5 What Patterns of Settlement Do You Notice on the Map of Utah?
Since people have lived in the area, they have settled in different places. Why did they settle where they did? Let’s explore the state and its history and try to figure out this question.

6 What Geographical Features Determined Where People Settled?
People often choose to live in different places because of certain geographic features. Which features may have influenced early settlers? Become a “virtual tourist” and explore the State:

7 What Influences, Other Than Geographic, Determined Utah Settlement?
Many different people have made their homes in Utah. Who were the original settlers? Who came later? Why did they choose their home sites?

8 Find your present location in Utah and then Explore the state
Where it says “Fly To”, enter your location in Utah. Include your city, a comma, and “Utah”. Use the arrows to zoom in on your location, then travel to the different points of interest or importance that you have learned about.

9 You Have Explored the State of Utah!
Hopefully, you have seen many interesting sites throughout the state. You have learned about the various settlers and inhabitants of the area. You have probably figured out why people built their homes in the places that they did. Now you will be ready to explore Utah on your own in the years to come!

10 Prepare Your Map and Present it to Our Class
Your map can be printed or drawn or built in any way imaginable. Just be sure to make it so that everyone in the class can see it and tell where the important historical and geological features are. Be prepared to tell about your map, about the settlement of Utah, and about your personal Internet exploration of the state.

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