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Hand-in-Hand Understanding the Reading Apprenticeship Framework in the Context of Universal Design for Learning Elizabeth Demong.

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Presentation on theme: "Hand-in-Hand Understanding the Reading Apprenticeship Framework in the Context of Universal Design for Learning Elizabeth Demong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hand-in-Hand Understanding the Reading Apprenticeship Framework in the Context of Universal Design for Learning Elizabeth Demong

2 Agenda Facilitator Introduction
An Overview of the Principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) The Reading Apprenticeship Framework (RA) Activities: Looking at UDL and RA Side-by-Side Partner’s Activity

3 Who am I? Who are my students?
I am a GED graduate. I am full time Basic Studies faculty here at RTC. My M.Ed. is in TESOL, but I have focused on GED and math instruction for the past 4 years. My students have many goals: Pass their GED Complete their HS 21+ High School Diploma Improve their reading and writing skills in English Transition to college-level classes and complete an academic transfer degree Transition to professional/technical certificate programs Improve their financial and professional prospects

4 UDL Questions for Learning
The brain of every learner wants to know: What am I learning? How will I learn it? Why should I learn it?

5 What, How and Why? The “what” of learning is concerned with how we organize input from our senses.

6 What, How and Why? The “how” of learning is concerned with how we organize and express ideas.

7 What, How and Why? The “why” of learning is concerned with how we get engaged and stay motived to learn.

8 Different brains have different answers to these questions
What, How and Why? Different brains have different answers to these questions

9 The “What” of Learning Multiple Means of Representation:
Present content in more than one way. Use more than one modality. Illustrate concepts through multiple means. Contextualize concepts.

10 The “How” of Learning Multiple Means of Action and Expression:
Provide options for students to practice with concepts and express what they know. Provide options for physical action. Provide options for expression and communication. Provide graduated levels of support.

11 The “Why” of Learning Multiple Means of Engagement:
Stimulate interest and promote motivation for learning. Provide options for recruiting interest. Optimize relevance and value. Reduce threats and distractions: learning must be safe!

12 The Reading Apprenticeship Framework

13 Engagement → Persistence → Confidence → Competence
Good Readers Are: Mentally Engaged Motivated to Read and to Learn Persistent in the Face of Challenge Socially Active Around Reading Tasks Utilizing Effective Strategies for Monitoring Comprehension

14 Engagement The Social Dimension
YOU are the student! What makes you comfortable in a classroom? What are some things the teacher can do to support your learning? What are some things classmates can do to support one another’s learning? What would get in the way of your learning?

15 Engagement The Social Dimension
Once Norms are Shared: The instructor organizes them into one document Norms are posted in the classroom and on Canvas Norms serve as a set of guidelines for EVERYONE

16 Engagement The Personal Dimension
Think-Pair-Share: What is your personal reading history? What reading experiences stand out for you? High points? Low points? What has supported your development as a reader? What has discouraged it?

17 Representation and Action and Expression The Cognitive Dimension
Breaking Things Down and Summarizing Big Ideas: The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution

18 Analyzing an Author’s Argument: Language Arts for the GED
Representation and Action and Expression The Cognitive and Knowledge Building Dimensions Analyzing an Author’s Argument: Language Arts for the GED

19 Representation and Action and Expression The Cognitive and Knowledge Building Dimensions
Math for the GED Science Test:

20 A Side-by-Side Look: UDL Principles and Reading Apprenticeship Strategies

21 A Side-by-Side Look: UDL Principles and Reading Apprenticeship Strategies

22 A Side-by-Side Look: UDL Principles and Reading Apprenticeship Strategies

23 Partner’s Activity Find a Partner Select One of the Provided Readings
Create an Activity, or Set of Activities, Which Incorporates Your Chosen Reading Use the Form in Your Packet to Explain How Your Activity, or Set of Activities Addresses at Least One UDL Principle and One Reading Apprenticeship Dimension

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