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Topic: Reconquista Unit: Late middle ages.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: Reconquista Unit: Late middle ages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Reconquista Unit: Late middle ages

2 Essential Question: How did the Reconquista reshape religion on the Iberian Peninsula?

3 Spain Background The crossroads of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
Spain under Muslim control since 711 Muslim Moors in Spain Multicultural kingdom with religious tolerance: Jews, Christians (majority), & Muslims Highly advanced Medieval civilization

4 Spain Background In the early 700’s AD
Muslim invaders called Moors- from North Africa Built highly advanced cities such as Cordoba

5 Now that the Crusades are over, what do we do
Now that the Crusades are over, what do we do? I don’t wanna go back to my farm… Let’s go fight the Muslims in Spain! We’ll get some more loot and get an indulgence for our sins!!! Sweet…

6 Reconquista Efforts by Christian Kingdoms to reconquer Spain from the Muslim Moors began in 700s & ended in 1492. Increased religious devotion after Crusades Christian knights went to Spain to fight Muslims Led by Kingdoms of Aragon & Castile

7 Reconquista:

8 Reconquista By the 1250s the Moors maintained only the southern tip of the peninsula- the kingdom of Granada The Alhambra- palace of the Moorish kingdom of Granada

9 Portugal & Spain Portugal split off in 1139 & formed kingdom
Ferdinand of Aragon & Isabella of Castile married in 1469 and founded Spain Spanish Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand Very devout Catholic rulers

10 Ferdinand & Isabella Between 1482 and 1492, Isabella and Ferdinand waged the Granada War to conquer all of Spain and unite it as one Christian kingdom In 1492, they succeeded in defeating the last Moorish King, Boabdil At first the Catholic Monarchs allowed the Moors to worship and govern themselves Eventually they began requiring the Moors to convert to Christianity

11 Spanish inquisition Ferdinand & Isabella wanted only Christians in their kingdom… All other religions were forbidden. Goal was to remove heretics, all non-believers or anyone who opposed Church teachings.. They created the Spanish Inquisition- an organization of priests to seek out and punish non-Christians

12 Inquisition methods Under Torquemada, the Grand Inquisitor, the Inquisition sought to find these heretics To get these heretics to confess, inquisitors (judges) would employ threats and torture Thousands were tortured, imprisoned for life and/or burned at the stake in auto de fe (Act of Faith)

13 Inquisition Torture

14 Auto de fe (Act of Faith)

15 Jews expelled Torquemada decided that the reason there were so many heretics was that Spanish Jews were a bad influence, so hundreds of thousands of Jews were forced from Spain


17 Spain a unified Catholic country
The Inquisition and expelling of the Jews and Moors was so successful, that by the 1500’s, Spain was almost completely Catholic In the process, Isabella and Ferdinand became the most powerful king & queen in Europe

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