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Proposed Expert Consultant Team for Koppers Superfund Site

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed Expert Consultant Team for Koppers Superfund Site"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Expert Consultant Team for Koppers Superfund Site
by Rick Hutton, P.E. Water/Wastewater Supervising Engineer Gainesville Regional Utilities Gainesville City Commission Meeting October 25, 2004

2 Cabot/ Koppers Site Superfund sites since 1983 Cabot Site Koppers Site
Pine tar/charcoal facility early 1900s thru 1967 Koppers Site Wood treating operations since 1916 Contamination from creosote & other wood treating compounds Gainesville City Commission Meeting October 25,2004, Slide: 2

3 Map Map showing Cabot Carbon / Koppers site and Murphree - JEA
Murphree Water Treatment Plant Map showing Cabot Carbon / Koppers site and Murphree - JEA Main Street NW 23rd Ave. Cabot Carbon \ Koppers Superfund Site Gainesville City Commission Meeting October 25,2004, Slide: 3

4 Site Geology 25’ 0’ 145’ Gainesville City Commission Meeting October 25,2004, Slide: 4


6 Status Water Supply is Safe & We Want to Keep it that Way
No contamination in GRU wells Not an immediate threat Appropriate & Decisive action needed now to ensure long-term protection Gainesville City Commission Meeting October 25,2004, Slide: 6

7 Status (cont’d) Site geology & contamination complex
Final Remedy may be complex Beazer proposal may include leaving significant amount of creosote in place Beazer has expert team working for them City needs high level expertise to protect its interests: Appropriate site cleanup Water supply protected Confidence in safety of water supply Gainesville City Commission Meeting October 25,2004, Slide: 7

8 Expert Consultant Team
World Renowned Experts in DNAPL/creosote field Complimentary skills & strengths Reliance on more than one opinion Business Case Gainesville City Commission Meeting October 25,2004, Slide: 8

9 Expert Consultant Team Tasks
Comprehensive review of site Review Beazer & EPA Approach Recommendations for further Actions Assist in ensuring EPA & Beazer take appropriate actions Gainesville City Commission Meeting October 25,2004, Slide: 9

10 Summary Water Supply is Safe & We Want to Keep it that Way
Decisive & appropriate action needed now to protect future Team will assist City in ensuring appropriate & decisive action taken Estimated Cost of team: $160,000 Estimated value of water supply: Priceless Gainesville City Commission Meeting October 25,2004, Slide: 10

11 Murphree Capture Zone Map of Site and delineation of capture zone
Pumping Rate = 60 Million Gallons per Day (Current Pumping Rate = 26 MGD) Map of Site and delineation of capture zone

12 Murphree Capture Zone Map of Site and delineation of capture zone
Early Warning Network: Existing Future


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