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Line 5 consonants & Vowels

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1 Line 5 consonants & Vowels

2 Today we will learn… Line 5 Consonants and Vowels

3 Review - Sight words Set 1
ខ្មែរ គាត់ ទៅ ស្រុក នៅ ខ្ញុំ

4 Review - Sight words Set 2
ជា មីង ចេះ មក​ បង ផ្ទះ អង្គុយ គ្រូ ទេ

5 Diacritic ់ Rule 1: The diacritic ់ serves to shorten the quantity of inherent vowel on –a series vowels. ចង to tie ចង់ to want

6 បង កង បង់ កង់

7 Diacritic ់ Rule 2: The diacritic ់ also changes the quality of –o series consonants when it follows one. យល (not a word) យល់ to understand goad good

8 គល លយ គល់ លយ់

9 Diacritic ់ Rule 3: The diacritic ់ also changes the sound of ា​ when it is attached to an –o series vowel. មាន to have មាន់ chicken

10 ជាន គាន ជាន់ គាន់

11 Review: Diacritic ់ បន្តក់​
Rule 1: The diacritic ់ serves to shorten the quantity of inherent vowel on –a series vowels. Rule 2: The diacritic ់ also changes the quality of –o series consonants when it follows one. Rule 3: The diacritic ់ also changes the sound of ា​ when it is attached to an –o series vowel.

12 Diacritic ់: Placement
បន្តក់​ “Drop” Always placed on the following consonant. ចង់

13 Line ៥ Consonants Labial ប​​ ផ ព ភ ម -a series -o series

14 Labial Consonants

15 ព្យញ្ជានៈជួរទី៥ Line ៥ Consonants


17 ប​ second form ប + ា បា When combining ប​ with ា the form must change.
Otherwise it will look like ហ

18 ប + ា បា

19 ស្រៈជួរទី៥ Line 5 Vowels ផ្ទះ


21 ព្យញ្ជានៈជួរទី៥ Line ៥ Consonants


23 ព្យញ្ជានៈជួរទី៥ Line ៥ Consonants
សេរី adj. “Free” - ភាព Nominalizer (makes words into nouns) សេរីភាព


25 ព្យញ្ជានៈជួរទី៥ Line ៥ Consonants


27 Questions? មានសំនួរទេ?

28 ស្រៈជួរទី៥ Line 5 Vowels កិះ ជិះ


30 ស្រៈជួរទី៥ Line 5 Vowels ជុះ ចុះ


32 ស្រៈជួរទី៥ Line 5 Vowels នេះ ចេះ


34 ស្រៈជួរទី៥ Line 5 Vowels គោះ កោះ


36 No more dependent vowels…

37 Questions? មានសំនួរទេ?

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