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Data Acquisition Software Integration and ADC Characterisation

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Presentation on theme: "Data Acquisition Software Integration and ADC Characterisation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Acquisition Software Integration and ADC Characterisation
Jack Hobbs 28th August 2009 Words to explain: ADC, USB.

2 USB initialisation DLL
Overview Data Acquisition Software USB initialisation DLL Initialise USB Set up and begin the run Send settings to the ADC Set up the Amplifier USB ADC setting DLL Set up the ADC Start the run and acquire data Store the settings Meta File Writer Start PC DAQ Burst Mode DLL Record ADC Data LabVIEW GUI Flip Flop Stop the run Stop Data DLL

3 Break Down of Burst Mode DLL

4 Break Down of ‘Flip Flop’

5 Summary Raw C code, Static Libraries and Dynamic Link Libraries have been written to perform all of the necessary tasks in this process Some of the projects are simple, others are partially test, but the majority of the code has not been tested A lot of the code relies on Jack Hickish’s programming last year which is also largely untested

6 Remaining Tasks Finish writing documentation on the code
Have a look at the Burst Mode DLL – it is currently serving both burst and continuous mode and this needs checking Test the code! Use and refine the LabVIEW GUI

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