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2 Analog Electronics Kent Bertilsson Krister Hammarling
Thomas L. Floyd,  "Electronic Devices - Conventional Current Version" ISBN: Don Manchini, "Op Amps for Everyone" -Free downloadable pdf Lecturer Kent Bertilsson S-Building Office S206 Phone Lab teacher Krister Hammarling S-Building Office S207

3 Examination This analog electronics is given as a stand alone course but also as one part of the Measurement System course. 12 x 2h scheduled lectures 10 Lectures 2 times for solving problems As appeared in the plan (Not as shown in schedule) 4 x 4h scheduled laboratory classes completing 3 tasks that should completed and handed in to the laboratory teacher. A written exam will be held 27th October

4 Introduction

5 Block Diagram Electronic systems is often described by block diagram
Antenna Amplifier Filter Analog to digital conversion

6 Time domain vs Frequency domain
Every signal can be described both in the time domain and the frequency domain. A periodic signal (in the time domain) can in the frequency domain be represented by: A peak at the fundamental frequency for the signal, fs=1/T and multiples of the fundamental f1,f2,f3,…=1xfs ,2xfs ,2xfs V T=1/fs t V fs fs fs fs fs f

7 Time domain vs Frequency domain
Every signal can be described both in the time domain and the frequency domain. A non periodic (varying) signal time domain is spread in the frequency domain. A completely random signal (white noise) have a uniform frequency spectra V fs fs fs fs fs f V Noise f

8 Transfer function The transfer function is the relation between the amplitude for the output and input in the frequency domain. H(20kHz)=10 mean that for a 20kHz signal the output is ten times larger than the input. H(f) is of course continuous function H 10 5 f

9 Filter A filter is a circuit that let some frequencies pass and block others. Low pass High pass Band pass Band stop H f H f H f H f

10 jω-method The jω-method is a very powerful tool making it possible performing advanced frequency dependent (alternating current, AC) functions using the same rules that applies for direct current (DC) Resistor Capacitor Inductor Symbol Reactance

11 jω-method Impedance calculations can be performed in the same way as for normal resistances. R L R L

12 RC - filter Calculate the transfer function H(ω) R
What is the output voltage and power level at the cut-off frequency? R VIn C VOut

13 Amplifier Voltage amplification Current amplification IIN IOut
Power amplification IIN IOut PIN VIn VOut POut

14 Decibel, dB decibel, dB is very useful expressing amplification (and attenuation) (Under assumption that RInAmp=RLoad)

15 dB AV AP 20 10 100 3.16 6 2 4 3 1 -3 0.5 -20 0.1 0.01

16 Bode Diagram Absolute decibel value and phase of the transfer function is plotted against a logarithmic frequency axis

17 Draw an asymptotic bode diagram for the RC filter.
RC-filter example Draw an asymptotic bode diagram for the RC filter. R VIn C VOut

18 Bode diagram Complicated expressions can be factorized into sub-expressions as Const Differentiator Integrator Zero Pole

19 Bode diagram According to logarithmic laws

20 Draw an asymptotic bode diagram for the shown filter.
Example R R C VIn R VOut Draw an asymptotic bode diagram for the shown filter.

21 Amplifier model The amplifier model is often sufficient describing how an amplifier interacts with the environment ROut VIn RIn AVVIn VOut RIn – Input impedance AV – Voltage gain ROut – Output impedance

22 Bandwidth The bandwidth is the frequency range where the transferred power are more than 50%. H(f) AVmax 0.707AVmax f f f

23 Distortion A nonlinear function between UIn and UOut distorts the signal An amplifier that saturates at high voltages A diode that conducts only in the forward direction

24 Noise Random fluctuation in the signal
Theoretically random noise contains all possible frequencies from DC to infinity Practical noise is often frequency limited to an upper bandwidth by some filter A limited bandwidth from the noisy reduce the noise power

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