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Review of guidance number 16, SE Groundwater in drinking water protected areas Lessons learnt from the 1st RBMP period Lotta Lewin Pihlblad & Jenny McCarthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of guidance number 16, SE Groundwater in drinking water protected areas Lessons learnt from the 1st RBMP period Lotta Lewin Pihlblad & Jenny McCarthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of guidance number 16, SE Groundwater in drinking water protected areas Lessons learnt from the 1st RBMP period Lotta Lewin Pihlblad & Jenny McCarthy Geological Survey of Sweden

2 What lessons have we learnt?
The Guidance as such is quite clear and put a far-reaching responsibility on the Competent Water Authorities to: take measures to produce a raw water which with existing water treatment can produce a drinking water which meet the requirements of DWD, to monitor the raw water at the point of compliance for measures taken within the safeguard zones to avoid deterioration in groundwater quality (necessary protection, 7.3) What lessons have we learnt?

3 Unclear issues that need clarification
Chapter 3.6, Monitoring and assessment: It´s unclear who is supposed to use who´s analyses of raw water from the abstraction point?

4 … the question is put because:
as it is, the drinking water producers are those who actually take the control samples at the abstraction point, the raw water control is not regulated, which means that samples can be taken at any time with any chemical composition, drinking water producers are much more interested in making analyses on microbiology than chemistry, as microbiology causes more problems in drinking water, on-line methods are used in the water work instead of taking samples for analyses.

5 Sweden has not been able to use analyses of raw water from water works in the surveillance or operational monitoring, because there has been different opinions on which legislation is actually relevant for raw water control. Food safety legislation, HACCP and DWD Water Framework Direktive, WFD

6 ” Archives of Municipal Waterworks” – database on municipal water wells and water works (purification plants)

7 Water works (purification plants) and municipal water wells - 2700
Quality of water samples – samples Municipality Users Water laboratory

8 The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU)
Environmental objectives (groundwater) Analysis of groundwater quality in Sweden The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) EU Water Framework Directive – support reporting National water management Regional Water Authorities EU Drinking Water Directive – support reporting Control of drinking water according to national regulations The National Food Administration Planning roads and railways – support service, water wells Swedish Traffic Administration Environmental objectives (surface water) Marine and Water Authority EU Nitrate Direktive – support reporting Swedish Board of Agriculture

9 Status on amount of data 2011

10 Swedish water supply Water works 2406 groundwater, 236 surface water
daily abstr.1,26 million m3 236 surface water daily abstr. 2,11 million m3 approx private wells, serving 1,2 million people


12 Distribution of municipal groundwater works in Sweden.
Possible sampling points in the surveillance monitoring and monitoring of protected areas. In addiation to natural springs and sampling tubes.

13 Conclusions As it is, the drinking water producers who are those who actually take the control samples at the abstraction point, An overview of the CIS Guidance No. 16, should look over the consequences of the introduction of HACCP-concept for the producers of drinking water. Is there a risk of double regulation of raw water control? Is it possible to harmonise the regulations according to frequences and parameters between HACCP and WFD?

14 Thank you for your attention

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