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Thursday 27th September 6-7pm

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1 Thursday 27th September 6-7pm
Year 9 Ahead Meeting Thursday 27th September 6-7pm

2 Assistant Headteacher attached to Year 9
Ms Reeves Assistant Headteacher attached to Year 9

3 Attainment Elthorne Ealing National
In 2017 top 100 schools nationally - those that don’t select by gender, ability, religion or parental income

4 Progress 8 is forecast to be +0.42
Achieving Progress 8 is forecast to be +0.42 Every student achieves around half a GCSE grade higher in every subject Ebacc pass 48 ealing 36 nat 24 Good eng 86 and 80, 74 and 64 top 5% nationally Good maths 80% ealing 73, 64 and 57 top 20% strong 64% ealing 57

5 Achieving Year 11 & Sixth Form
Top 3 High school/Sixth form for GCSE/A levels/BTECs in Ealing Top 20% nationally Forecast to be in top 100 (not selective) schools P8 is (0.33)

6 Ofsted - March 2018 You and your leaders have maintained and
developed the clear vision ‘Achieving Excellence in a Learning Community’. Teachers are expected to deliver consistency and innovation. A carefully tailored training programme enables them to work together to research effective teaching approaches. Ofsted - March 2018

7 Teachers’ skilful questioning enabled any misconceptions to be addressed swiftly in order to deepen pupils’ knowledge and understanding. Very positive relationships between teachers and pupils result in strong engagement in tasks. Your whole-school approach in encouraging pupils to push themselves is proving successful. Teachers’ subject knowledge is secure and is used well to inspire pupils to become successful learners. Ofsted - March 2018

8 Attendance and Learning
Children with 96% attendance are 5 times more likely to get 5 or more GCSE grades than those with 85%

9 We are proud of Year 9

10 Pupil Premium at EPHS Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. Schools will receive the following funding for each pupil registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years For more information on how we use pupil premium and to see if your child is eligible please see the school website P8 is (0.33)

11 Assessments in Year 9 These are the times in the year when year 9 will be assessed in certain/all subjects

12 Assessments in Year 9 These assessments
will take place in class during normal lessons. may not take the full lesson. make take a variety of forms including practical projects, extended writing or examination style questions.

13 Assessments in Year 9 These assessments:
take place during the course of normal lessons. take the full lesson. are designed to test learning across an extended period of time (academic year / key stage) rather than across a set number of lessons.

14 Assessments in Year 9 These assessments will be:
conducted in formal examination conditions in C101 or alternative examination base timetabled and may take longer than 55 minutes designed by teachers to look and feel like a GCSE style examination.

15 Assessments in Year 9 These assessments will be:
conducted in formal examination conditions in C101 or alternative examination base timetabled and may take longer than 55 minutes designed by teachers to look and feel like a GCSE style examination. designed to test learning across an extended period of time (academic year / key stage) rather than across a set number of lessons.

16 How will Year 9 be assessed?
All students have an assigned pathway and an end of Y11 target grade Above track On track Below track Serious concern Working above target Advancing Pathway Grade 8’s and 9’s Secure Pathway Grade 6’s and 7’s Developing Pathway Grade 4’s and 5’s Foundation Pathway Grade 3’s + Working at target Working below target Working well below target When teachers enter data that will be shared with home they will use the terms above. They will using their judgement to say whether they feel students are on track to meet their end of Y11 target grade.

17 How will Year 9 be assessed?
All students have an assigned pathway and an end of Y11 target grade Above track On track Below track Serious concern Working above target Advancing Pathway Grade 8’s and 9’s Secure Pathway Grade 6’s and 7’s Developing Pathway Grade 4’s and 5’s Foundation Pathway Grade 3’s + Working at target Working below target Working well below target Where students are recorded as being ‘Above Track’ in an individual subject area for two consecutive data collection points they will be moved up a pathway within that subject area. This will see their stated end of Year 11 target grade increase within that subject area.

18 Assistant Headteacher in charge of Teaching & Learning
Ms J Jerham Assistant Headteacher in charge of Teaching & Learning

19 Effective Learning Strategies
Suitable place to study Create a home learning timetable Incorporate some physical activity into your daily routine Read!!

20 Common Study Methods Re-reading textbooks Highlighting information
Reviewing notes Cramming These focus is on getting information “in,” but they do not build long term memory, therefore they are not the most effective revision strategies

21 Effective Learning Strategies
Retrieval Practice Dual Coding Concrete Examples Elaboration Interleaving Spaced Practice

22 Where can I get more information?
Student planners pages 30-36 School website support-materials.html We will be running a drop in session for parents on how best to support your child with revision at home. This will be advertised via parent mail and the newsletter soon

23 Assistant Headteacher Line Manager attached to Year 9
Mr M Myers Assistant Headteacher Line Manager attached to Year 9

24 Attitude and Aspirations
Progress Data Attainment Grades Success GCSEs English Baccalaureate Outstanding 1-9 A** A-levels University 100% Attendance Perfect presentation

25 Ms B Borde Head of Year 9

26 Year 9 Team ?

27 Year 9 Vision To continue to be the greatest by being proud, persevering, principled & prepared.

28 The Year Ahead Year Group Day: Thurs 6th September
Year Ahead Evening: Thurs 27th September Year 9 & 11 Options Chats: After Oct ½ Term Earlier Taster Sessions (H&SC, Media, Business) - TBC Options Evening: Wed 27th March Options Taster Day: Thurs 4th April Year 9 Parents Evening: Thurs 25th April Options Form Deadline: Mon 29th April Ski Trip:12th – 20th April (during Easter holidays)

29 Tracking Your Child’s Progress
Home Learning: Home Learning is set at least once a week per subject. GPOP: Detailed feedback is given on students’ work at least 12 times across the year for each subject. Students must act upon the detailed feedback in green or purple pen (GPOP) Reports: Termly reports which are graded for Attitude to Learning, Home Learning, Progress Indicator and Targets for Improvement are written & sent home.

30 Home Learning Support Open Year Group Home learning clubs
Home learning Clubs are open to all students (Year 7-11) Monday and Wednesday only 3.10pm – 3.55pm Targeted Home learning Study Club Ms Borde in liaison with subject staff and tutors will identify Year 9 students required to attend. Tuesday and Thursday only

31 We will continue to support your child with…
Attendance Punctuality Organisation Home Learning Progress in Lesson Emotional Wellbeing Behaviour Friendships/Relationships

32 Subject pathways can change this year.
Reports Subject pathways can change this year.

33 What can my child look forward to in Year 9?
Pastoral and curriculum assemblies (Student Led) Weekly Bright Spots (a chance to win a £30 gift card) Weekly Tutor group challenges Tutor Awards (End of Term Trips) Most credits per half term (End of Term trips) Extra Curricular Activities

34 Next Steps Students are expected to focus on working as hard as possible in lessons so they can make a fully informed choice. Subject Leaders will be delivering subject assemblies to Year 9 as the year progresses. Encourage your child to talk to their subject teachers about the topics covered in their GCSE – How is it different to what they have covered in Year 7, 8 and 9? The Options process has already begun with each student receiving one to one support to make the correct pathway decision.

35 Year 9 Ahead Booklet

36 Meet The Tutor Meet the tutor will take place in the following rooms:
Form Tutor Room 9E Mr G Tunnicliffe C304 9L Mr M Claus C302 9T Ms V Warren C303 9H Ms S Sharpe C305 9O Ms Z Ahmed C317 9R Ms R Ward C212 9N Mr L McDougall C312 9P Ms S Prendergast & Mr D Cornelious C314

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