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Reporting Student Learning: Grade 8

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1 Reporting Student Learning: Grade 8
Each teacher introduces themselves Want to give you an assessment that reflects how student is doing Our report cards in the past has looked like this Killarney Secondary School

2 68% Has a solid understanding of all math concepts taught so far this year. Can understand concepts taught, but often makes careless mistakes. Has difficulty understanding and solving word problems. Lacks basic math skills. You’re given a percent but what does this tell the parent and student. We try to give more detail as comments. Term one reports are generally a percentage accompanied by a comment. What does this communicate? Is this enough? Is this helpful?

3 Curriculum Framework Within framework communicate what students know, do and understand. When you go onto ministry website…. Sample Ministry curriculum screenshot

4 Expanded Learning Goals
The curriculum outlines goals to pave the way for deeper learning. The assessment piece now must take offer more complex communication. Teachers need to assess what we value.

5 Assessment Codes KDU - Able to do complex questions/problems independently and non-routine questions in unfamiliar situations, fully supported by explanations and justifications (including models) of mathematical reasoning and concepts. Able to fully explain the learning objective to others. KD - Able to do complex questions/problems independently mostly supported by explanations and justifications of mathematical reasoning and concepts K - Able to do basic questions/problems independently NY - Not yet able to do independently Animation bottom up Lets talk about the assessment codes: These are taken from the ministry's numeracy rubric.

6 Curriculum Framework Within framework communicate what students know, do and understand. When you go onto ministry website…. Sample Ministry curriculum screenshot

7 Num.1 I can correctly multiply integers
Num.2  I can correctly divide integers Num.3 I can correctly add integers We all know that within each topic or unit of mathematics, students … So what you see on the report are Learning Objects (LO). These are the skills. From the curriculum document we built Lerarning Objectives. Discrete goals.

8 Progress Report THis is what your students progress report will look like. Many parents and students see this revision of communication and are not sure where to even start looking. We have learning outcomes written based on the revised curriculum. We have codes: NY, MM, M, and T which are the descriptors of where the student is at and where they need to go for imporvement

9 Reports that communicate where the students are, currently, and where they need improvement:
Fostering growth mindset. Shift from percentages (associated with a fixed identity) to “what do I not know or what do I need to work on”. This requires time: Allow rewrites. Cumulative assessment. Predetermined ideas about their math abilities. They identify with the percent

10 Communication Where the student is Where the student needs to go
Lets look at the communication component in more detail. A way for the student to communicate their learning to their teacher and for the teacher to report back to the student. There is an expanded list of goals in the classroom which go beyond content. We are working to influence a change in mindsets about lenarning mathematics as students transition to secondary school. Habits of mind-curiosity, flexible thinking, persistence, striving for accuracy Mathematical processes: communicate, connections, mental mathematics and estimation, problem solving, reasoning, teachnology and visualization

11 Progress Report THis is what your students progress report will look like. Many parents and students see this revision of communication and are not sure where to even start looking. We have learning outcomes written based on the revised curriculum. We have codes: NY, MM, M, and T which are the descriptors of where the student is at and where they need to go for imporvement

12 Thank you So we are trying to build a stronger foundation for grade 9 by pinpointing specific skills required by curriculum.

13 Helpful Links Math 8 Curriculum Math 8 Numeracy Reporting Standards

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