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Attendance Group Lynn Urquides Elementary By Gayle Morrison

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1 Attendance Group Lynn Urquides Elementary By Gayle Morrison
Closing The Gap Attendance Group Lynn Urquides Elementary By Gayle Morrison

2 Purpose Increase attendance school wide.
Decrease excused and unexcused absences. Focus on a small group of students with excessive absences for first semester.

3 GAP Goals Increase attendance for specific group of Kindergarten and 1st grade students decrease all absences. Increase academic time in the classroom. Develop positive habits of attending school. Improve school/home communication.

4 Groups Target Group Students with 10 or more absences for the first semester of school. Reason Selected Kindergarten and 1st grade had the lowest attendance rate for first semester.

5 ASCA Standard Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span.

6 Number of Students Affected
The attendance interventions are being applied school wide. Closing the Gap group consists of 5 Kindergarten students and 2 1st grade students.

7 GAP Group Attendance Interventions
Home visits were made to families of the target students. Students check in daily and receive a stamp for being at school. After 5 stamps students earn a small reward.

8 School Wide Attendance Interventions
Classrooms with perfect attendance hang the Perfect Attendance Poster on their door for the day. After 5 days of perfect attendance, the class earns a popcorn party. Random drawing of “Be Here, Be a Winner.” Bulletin board of attendance rates.

9 Attendance Bulletin Board

10 Number of Absences per Quarter (Excused and Unexcused)
# days absent

11 Group Absences By Quarter
# of days absent

12 DIBELS Score Phoneme Segmentation Fluency
Correct Answers Benchmark for Kinder 35 for 1st 50

13 Results 5 students improved their attendance
Students identify the importance of being at school. Students that did not show improvement will receive more support next year. Results on DIBELS Assessment increased.

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