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Fifth Grade Camp 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Fifth Grade Camp 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fifth Grade Camp 2018

2 What is Camp? 3 day, 2 night Outdoor Environmental Education adventure. Why do we go? Builds camaraderie Learn about science and nature outdoors in a beautiful northwest setting Teamwork, independence, responsibility FUN!

3 Who goes to Camp? 117ish 5th graders with their classroom teachers: Jenny Schaffer, Megan Calamaras, Kristin Page, Cheyen Herseth, Christin Bird, Jilian Murdock Tia Kleinkopf, Principal Patti Foryan, Dean of Students Anne Bourne, Camp/School Nurse 24 chaperones

4 What happens at Camp? Meals Classes Activities

5 Meal Times 8:00 am Breakfast 12:00 pm Lunch 5:30 pm Dinner
Meals are very good! There is plenty of food for everyone. If your child has a special dietary situation—you will indicate that on the health forms that come home (including allergies and vegetarians!!) . We will provide healthy snacks at other times during the day.

6 Classes and Activities at Camp
Combination of Camp Warm Beach science/nature classes and teacher directed classes Whole group activities Swimming Students are grouped with their regular 5th grade class for classes and will rotate by cabins for activities.

7 Activities at Camp Campfire Group games

8 Camp Map

9 Camp Warm Beach Facilities

10 Medical Issues Trained school district employee will attend camp as Camp Nurse. Be sure to fill out the confidential health form completely (checking all areas) These forms are in your camp packet. If your child is a bed wetter, sleep walker, or has nightmares the child HAS to be on a bottom bunk. ANY medication—from Tylenol to allergy meds and beyond have to have a medication form filled out and signed by a doctor. (1 form for every med). Make a doctor’s appt. soon to meet the deadline. Parents will need to bring the medication (in original container) and form to the office by April 27, 2018. Any dietary restrictions should be included on the health form: i.e. vegetarian, peanut allergy etc… Tell your child what medications you are sending and what will be available to them. Contact Anne Bourne (school nurse) with any questions at

11 Cabins 10ish kids per cabin with 2 adult chaperones
Students will be in their cabins to sleep, change clothes, organize skits, and for cabin time. Student are not left unsupervised. All students are given the opportunity to request cabin mates. The 5th grade team makes the cabin assignments. Each student is guaranteed one person on their “wish list.” Chaperones will stay in the cabin with their child. Chaperones are moms of girls and dads of boys.

12 Chaperones Chaperones are with the kids during classes, activities, and meals for the entire time. Mandatory Chaperone Training May 15 Lottery will happen tonight!

13 What’s in my Packet? White form: Camp “To do” timeline
Purple form: How to pay for camp, $270 Blue forms: Permission slips, waivers Pink forms: Confidential health forms Yellow form: what to bring to camp

14 Blue Forms

15 Health Forms. Fill out both sides One form for each type of medicine

16 Tuesday Afternoon, May 29 Kids find out cabins at school Tuesday afternoon. Drop off luggage to the chaperone’s vehicle in the Cascade Ridge parking lot between 4:30 and 5:30.

17 Wednesday Morning, May 30 Kids arrive at school at 8:10.
Buses leave for Warm Beach at 8:30. Kids and chaperones bring a big disposable sack lunch.

18 Friday Afternoon, June 1 Students board the bus after lunch
Depending on traffic, it takes about 1 ½ hours to return. Parents pick up students and their luggage at Cascade Ridge about 2:30 pm.

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