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Parent Fall Report Festival Card Day Conf. Tonya Chandler 3rd

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1 Parent Fall Report Festival Card Day Conf. Tonya Chandler 3rd
October 24-28 Coding: Technology CIP Goals Writing Standards C1 communicate, C2 Collaborate, C3 Critical Thinking C4 Create Parent Report Card Conf. Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 1 independently Review and discuss as a class by sharing corrections C1, C3 Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 2 with your table partner.C1, C3 Review as a class by sharing corrections Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 3 and 4 individually. Review and share corrections as a class C1, C3 Smartboard Fall Festival Day Bellringer L3.2 a-f L3.2f, RF3. Spelling Skill: sh, th, ch Introduce the pattern for the week. Assist students in filling in the blank with the missing pattern. C1,C2 Skill: sh, th, ch Assign students to a partner. Have partner A give partner B a spelling test on the first 10 words. Swap for the second 10. Partners grade them together. C1, C2 Skill: Spelling Test Skill: plural possessive nouns Remind students what plural, possessive, and noun mean. Display a t chart with regular plural and irregular plural. Model how to make each type possessive. Have students mark their own copy. wC1 Skill: plural possessive nouns Partner Practice Have students complete ten sentences with an appropriate plural possessive noun. C1, C2, C3 Skill: plural possessive nouns Independent Practice Have students complete a Scoot activity that requires them to change each plural noun to possessive C1, C3 Grammar L2.d Skill: Main Idea and Details See attached C1,C2, C3 Reading RL3.1,3.2 Skill: Main Idea and Details See attached C1, C2, C3 Skill: Main Idea and Details Using the main idea and details semantic map technique guide students into writing a Halloween story with 3 paragraphs. C1, C2, C3 Small Groups RL3.1,3.2,3.3, 3.7, 3.9 Skill: Critical Thinking Charlotte’s Web Chunk 1 p. 34 Stop and share Chunk 2 pp Written answer Groups 2 and 3 (Continued from last week) C1,C2,C3 CIP Goal Skill: Critical Thinking Read Chapter 2 with your Charlotte’s Web Chunk 1 pp Written Answer Chunk 2 pp Stop and Share (Continued from last week) C1,C2, C3 CIP Goal Reading Assessment

2 RtI Daily Spelling Words Stations Assess fluency with timed read
Focus: Phonics- review covered patterns with flash cards Fluency- repeated readings with fluency passage Focus: Phonics- review covered patterns with flash cards Fluency- repeated readings with fluency passage Focus: Phonics- review covered patterns with flash cards Fluency- repeated readings with fluency passage Focus: Phonics- review covered patterns with flash cards Fluency- repeated readings with fluency passage Assess fluency with timed read RtI Vocabulary: material hunters bill twigs tons platform goo Vocabulary: Cursive handwriting Write short words connecting lowercase letters Master Teacher: Work on the flow of the lesson so it is like stages in a video game. When the flow is right, students will remain engaged. Daily Stations Spelling Words Computer Lexia father chapter other alphabet watch English weather catch fashion shrink pitcher flash athlete trophy nephew northern establish hyphen emphasis challenge Reading Students read silently Teacher Charlotte’s Web Seatwork Independent or partner practice Close Reading Passages : Charlotte’s Web; Amazing Birds Read aloud: Wonder

3 Before Strategy/Engage Think/Pair/ShairQuick Write
Activate Prior Knowledge; Build Background Knowledge; Generate Essential Questions; Make Predictions; Discuss Essential Vocabulary; Establish Purpose for Lesson; Other ___________________ Students will watch video about birds and nesting to jot down important details. Think Pair Share. What can you say about all the bird nests you saw in the video?-----Share out Teacher will chart and provide corrective feedback. Read, Write, Talk, Listen, and Investigate (100%) Teacher will circulate to monitor post-it notes and conversations. Teacher will provide corrective feedback. During Strategy/Explore, Explain: Close Read with a question chart Interact with Content; Verify and Formulate Predictions; Self-Monitor Comprehension; Construct Graphic Organizers; Summarize Content; Use Mental Imagery; Integrate New Information with Prior Knowledge; Other __________________ Close Read: First Read: Students will listen to the selection. Second Read: Students will partner read chunks 1-4 to complete answers to questions in chunking graphic. TTYP---Share out Teacher will project chunking graphic and will record answers during the share out. Teacher will circulate to monitor conversations and graphic organizer. After Strategy/Explain, Extend: Exit Slip Summary Reflect on Content of Lesson; Evaluate Predictions; Examine Essential Questions; Justify, Deliberate, and Evaluate Conclusions of Self and Others; Retell or Summarize; Demonstrate Proper Use and Understanding of Vocabulary; Other ___________________ Students will individually read Chunks 1-4 Students will complete the paragraph frame with main idea and details from the text. The students will then use the information in the frame to write a complete paragraph on notebook paper. **May need to carry over into rotations and be part of their independent work. Teacher will collect summaries to address again during language and provide feedback.

4 Read, Write, Talk, Listen, and Investigate (100%)
Lesson Phases Student Engagement Formative Assessment Before Strategy/Engage __Semantic map___________ Activate Prior Knowledge; Build Background Knowledge; Generate Essential Questions; Make Predictions; Discuss Essential Vocabulary; Establish Purpose for Lesson; Other ___________________ Review main idea and details with a Power Point Show a semantic map demonstrating how the center circle is the main idea and details stem off. Model choosing the main idea for a given list of details. Guide students to identify the main idea given a group of details on semantic maps. Read, Write, Talk, Listen, and Investigate (100%) The teacher will rotate throughout the room to check for understanding as students give the main idea. During Strategy/Explore, Explain __Carousel/ Semantic map____ Interact with Content; Verify and Formulate Predictions; Self-Monitor Comprehension; Construct Graphic Organizers; Summarize Content; Use Mental Imagery; Integrate New Information with Prior Knowledge; Other __________________ Model identifying details when given the main idea and a nonfiction text. Have groups rotate to charts of short nonfiction text from Amazing Birds. Have students chart details on a semantic map for each. Discuss their choices. The teacher will rotate around the room to check for accuracy in selecting the main idea and supporting details. After Strategy/Explain, Extend ____Semantic Map__________ Reflect on Content of Lesson; Evaluate Predictions; Examine Essential Questions; Justify, Deliberate, and Evaluate Conclusions of Self and Others; Retell or Summarize; Demonstrate Proper Use and Understanding of Vocabulary; Other ___________________ Give students a topic they know a lot about. Example: How to Be a Successful Third Grader Give students ten minutes to create their own semantic map to list at least 5 supporting details for the main idea. Put the details in sentence form. Collect semantic maps and check for ability to stay on topic with well- chosen details. This will lead to a written piece later in the week.

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