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through Quality, Service, and Value

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1 through Quality, Service, and Value
Chapter 2 Building Customer Satisfaction through Quality, Service, and Value Marketing Management Tenth Edition Philip Kotler

2 Objectives Define value & satisfaction - understand how to deliver them The nature of high-performance businesses How to attract & retain customers Improving customer profitability Total quality management

3 Determinants of Customer Delivered Value
Image value Personnel value Services value Product value Total customer value Customer delivered value Monetary cost Time cost Energy cost Psychic cost Total customer cost

4 Satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations.

5 High Performance Business
Stake- holders Set strategies to satisfy key... Processes By improving critical business... Resources Organization and aligning...

6 The Generic Value Chain
Firm infrastructure Out- bound Logistics Inbound Logistics Opera- tions Market- ing and sales Margin Primary Activities Support Activities Human resource management Technology Development Procurement Serv- ice

7 Levi Strauss’ Value-Delivery Network
Du Pont (Fibers) Order Delivery Order Milliken (Fabric) Levi’s (Apparel) Order Order Sears (Retail) Customer Delivery Delivery Delivery Competition is between networks, not companies. The winner is the company with the better network.

8 Satisfied Customers: Are loyal longer
Buy more (new products & upgrades) Spread favorable word-of-mouth Are more brand loyal (less price sensitive) Offer feedback Reduce transaction costs

9 Levels of Relationship Marketing
High margin Medium Low Many customers/ distributors Medium number of Few Accountable Reactive Basic or reactive Proactive Accountable Reactive Accountable Proactive Partnership

10 Customer Development Suspects Prospects Clients Advocates Partners
First-time customers Repeat customers Clients Advocates Partners Inactive or ex-customers Disqualified prospects

11 Customer/Product Profitability Analysis
Customers P1 Highly profitable product P2 Profitable P3 Losing P4 Mixed-bag Products + High profit customer + - Mixed-bag customer + - Losing customer

12 Competitive advantage
The Profit Triangle Profit Value creation Internal operations Competitive advantage

13 Quality Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. #1

14 Review Define value & satisfaction - understand how to deliver them
The nature of high-performance businesses How to attract & retain customers Improving customer profitability Total quality management

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