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Special Parallelograms

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Presentation on theme: "Special Parallelograms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Parallelograms
Objective: Students will be able to prove and apply properties of special parallelograms.

2 Rhombus Definition: Opposite sides parallel and all sides are congruent Properties: A Rhombus is a parallelogram and therefore whatever happens in a parallelogram happens in a rhombus – what are these (3) Diagonals bisect the angles in a Rhombus Diagonals are perpendicular

3 Rhombus Diagonals How would you prove those two properties? Prove Triangles Congruent? Perpendicular Bisector property?

4 Rectangle Definition: Opposite sides are parallel and all angles are congruent (90) Properties: Remember parallelograms – what are these properties Diagonals are congruent – how would you prove this

5 Square Definition: Opposite sides parallel, all angles congruent, all sides congruent Properties: Remember Parallelograms, Rhombus, Rectangle A square has all the properties and definitions of all the special parallelograms List them all

6 Example

7 Examples

8 Example

9 Homework Pg For problems 1-10 when giving an answer state why you thing that is the correct answer Example 1 Sometimes because the parallelogram could be a rectangle Honors 21

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