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 The European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe: an overview Sarah Breslin, Executive Director;

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1  The European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe: an overview Sarah Breslin, Executive Director;

2 Council of Europe education initiatives
Education for democratic citizenship Schools as “safe spaces” Digital citizenship Languages as an engine for integration – adults and young people

3 Council of Europe Language Policy
Adult migrants and refugees CEFR Companion Volume Toolkit for volunteers Integrated Languages Portal CEFR

4 Languages at the heart of learning
ECML Programme Languages at the heart of learning Our vision A Europe committed to linguistic and cultural diversity, where the key role of quality language education in achieving intercultural dialogue, democratic citizenship and social cohesion is recognised and supported.

5 ECML training and consultancy for member states
Targeted, tailored support to address national challenges Supporting Multilingual Classrooms* Plurilingual education Testing and Assessment (RELANG)* Quality education in Romani Quality assurance in language and citizenship courses Language teacher education Content and Language Integrated Learning Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility Using the European Language Portfolio * in cooperation with the European Commission

6 Language teacher competences: current activities
Project: Towards a CEFR for language teachers Project: Action research communities for language teachers Project: Digital literacy for the teaching and learning of languages Training and Consultancy: using EPOSTL

7 A quality assurance matrix for CEFR use
Training and Consultancy: RELANG; electronic ELP

8 Inspiring language learning and teaching in the early years
Teacher education for linguistic diversity: online webinar with presentations from Luxembourg and Ireland (pre-school and primary

9 Languages in and for education: current activities
Project: learning environments where modern languages flourish Project: A roadmap for schools to support the language(s) of schooling Project: Developing language awareness in subject classes Training and Consultancy: CLIL and pluriliteracies; FREPA; Plurimobil; Supporting multilingual classrooms, Romani

10 ECML Thematic Areas FL/languages of schooling/workplace – so beyond school Current projects; ELL/languages of schooling/languages in subjects/sign languages/LfW/modern languages – whole-school appraoches/action research for language Ts/ teacher competences – bringing together existing f/ws – great tool for teacher educators and asking the ? – do we need a CEFR for language teachers? /e-learning – e-lang – real-world tasks – online training modules/webinar on 12th October / All areas covered – currently being updated. In preparation for next programme – link

11 Target groups, languages and focus areas: Call for Proposals 2020 -23
Language professionals as agents of change Considering and re-considering Council of Europe flagship resources Foreign language learning and teaching for a new decade CLIL and bilingual education Plurilingual education The organisation of language education

12 ECML: a unique centre for language education
ECML key services Addressing national needs through Training and Consultancy Building networks and partnerships within and beyond Europe Providing practical resources for language professionals Future-proofing through innovative projects Encouraging language learning through the European Day of Languages

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