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Grades K-2 Formative Assessment to Support Student Learning PARTNERS

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1 Grades K-2 Formative Assessment to Support Student Learning PARTNERS
1 PARTNERS for Mathematics Learning Formative Assessment to Support Student Learning Module 3 Grades K-2 Inferences and Feedback Partners for Mathematics Learning

2 Overview of Modules   Module 6: Decisions and Collaboration
2 Overview of Modules Module 1: Learning Targets Module 2: Questioning and Task Selection Module 3: Inferences and Feedback Module 4: Making Students Active Partners Module 5: Student Self-Assessment and Responsibility  Module 6: Decisions and Collaboration Around Assessment Partners for Mathematics Learning

3  Identifying what we know from student
3 Goals of Module 3  Identifying what we know from student conversations and student work  Recording assessment information  Identifying occasions for student interviews  Identifying, discussing, and writing helpful feedback for moving students forward Partners for Mathematics Learning

4 Teaching-Learning Cycle
4 Teaching-Learning Cycle Clear Learning Targets Decisions About Next Steps Questioning & Instructional Tasks Collaboration Around Assessment Student Self- Assessment & Responsibility Making Inferences & Giving Feedback Partners for Mathematics Learning

5 Learning from Conversations
5 Learning from Conversations  Conversation is a powerful formative assessment resource  As students explain their thinking  As students talk in their groups  As teachers talk with individuals  Learning from conversations means that we become better at listening to our students Partners for Mathematics Learning

6 Learning from Conversations
6 Learning from Conversations Respond in your journal…  How do you use conversations with your students to learn about their work and thinking? As you watch the video, list in your journal…  What are the different ways the teachers are using conversations to learn about their students’ thinking? Partners for Mathematics Learning

7 Listening to Students Teacher: What is your answer and
7 Listening to Students  Prompt: A boy looked through the fence and saw three horses. How many legs were there?  What can we infer about these students’ thinking?  What “next questions” might you ask? Teacher: What is your answer and how did you get it? Jaylan: 13. I drew a picture and counted the legs. Tricia: 12. I used my counters. Raya: 12. Horses have 4 legs. There are three horses. I added Partners for Mathematics Learning

8 Knowing and Inferring  How can these additional
8 Knowing and Inferring  What can we infer about what Sammy knows? Teacher: Rick is first in line. Who is sixth in line? Sammy: Mary is. (correct answer)  How can these additional questions convince you that Sammy can use ordinal numbers?  Why is it important to ask additional questions? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS Teacher: Sammy, if Queen is eighth in line, who is third? Teacher: Can you get in line so you are sixth? Partners for Mathematics Learning

9 Learning By Listening  Record an example of something you
9 Learning By Listening  Record an example of something you learned about a student’s understanding or thinking during a class discussion  Explain why “wait time” is critical in order to find out what students know  Describe how probing questions asked in a group setting can give valuable information about individuals Partners for Mathematics Learning

10 Examining Student Work
10 Examining Student Work  Applying formative assessment strategies means looking at student work through a “different lens”  “Scoring” is not the primary purpose  Looking for evidence of thinking, identifying misconceptions, and noting unusual responses is the primary purpose  “Tweaking” instructional plans helps to address individual needs Partners for Mathematics Learning

11 “Tweaking” Lesson Plans
11 “Tweaking” Lesson Plans  Means responding to information gleaned from assessments  Adjust textbook lessons based on students’ needs and what they reveal they know  Plan questions to continue assessing as you teach  Use pacing guides and textbook lessons but do not allow students to practice using mathematics incorrectly Partners for Mathematics Learning

12 A Different Lens  Identifying student misconceptions early
12 A Different Lens  Identifying student misconceptions early helps us “tweak” instructional plans to correct incomplete understanding and misconceptions  Identifying when students are ready to “move on” or delve more deeply into the content leads to greater student achievement Partners for Mathematics Learning

13 Examining Student Work
13 Examining Student Work  For any set of papers, look for  Students who get everything correct  Common errors  Careless errors  Mistakes in computation  Conceptual misunderstandings  Any answer you do not understand  Make notes of any students you need to talk with in order to target their instruction Partners for Mathematics Learning

14  With your partner examine the set of
14 Examining Student Work  With your partner examine the set of student papers from your classroom and make notes as directed  Compare your notes with others at your table Partners for Mathematics Learning

15 Methods of Assessment  Different assessment methods reveal
15 Methods of Assessment  Different assessment methods reveal different aspects of mathematical thinking  Selected Response  Constructed Response  Performances  Personal Communications  Assessment methods should match learning targets Partners for Mathematics Learning

16  Constructed Response
16 Methods of Assessment  Selected Response  Multiple-choice, matching, true-false  Constructed Response  Short answer, fill-in items, open-ended questions that require an original, written answer  Performance Assessment  Presentations, observations, or performances  Personal Communication  Interviews, conferences, conversations, class discussions Partners for Mathematics Learning

17 Examining Student Work
17 Examining Student Work Does a student understand just because they got it right?  Why do we often need more information than just the answer?  What are the implications for your own classroom? Partners for Mathematics Learning

18  Identifying what we know from student
18 Goals of Module 3  Identifying what we know from student conversations and student work  Recording assessment information  Identifying occasions for student interviews  Identifying, discussing, and writing helpful feedback for moving students forward Partners for Mathematics Learning

19 Rationale for Anecdotal Records
19 Rationale for Anecdotal Records  Primary students are not able to put in writing all that they know and understand  Anecdotal records document teacher observations, class conversations, and information from individual interviews  Documentation is necessary for special placement and accommodations, parent conferences, and promotion/retention  It is difficult to remember specific examples of student responses and understanding Partners for Mathematics Learning

20 Recording Anecdotal Information
20 Recording Anecdotal Information  Multiple possible methods  Class rosters  Clipboards  Photos/video  Post-it notes  Calendar grids  Mailing labels  Index cards  Teacher logs  No one “right way” to record information  Note: Anecdotal notes can be reviewed by parents and school personnel Partners for Mathematics Learning

21 Recording Anecdotal Information
21 Recording Anecdotal Information  Class Rosters  Post-it Notes 11/4 Sali Applies algorithms correctly still does not know facts - *suggest to parents that he drill with flash cards for facts he keeps missing Partners for Mathematics Learning

22 Recording Anecdotal Information
22 Recording Anecdotal Information  Class Grid  Mailing Labels Partners for Mathematics Learning

23 Recording Anecdotal Information
23 Recording Anecdotal Information  Clipboard  Index Cards Angel Cara Alonzo Maya Will Warren Tony Luc Aubry 9/ identifies patterns, can continue simple ones but has difficulty creating an original one 10/ counts orally to 50; inconsistent in crossing decades 10/24 finds sums usually by counting on; sometimes still counts all Sonia Joseph Evan Mattie Rusfika Jose Marika Jimmy Kaneka Enrico Meg Cole Ben Lucia Tinamarie Mike Partners for Mathematics Learning

24 Recording Anecdotal Information
24 Recording Anecdotal Information  Teacher Logs Photos Partners for Mathematics Learning

25 Recording Anecdotal Information
25 Recording Anecdotal Information  Flip Video Partners for Mathematics Learning

26 Recording Anecdotal Information
26 Recording Anecdotal Information  Look at the forms in the handout  What has been your most successful way to keep anecdotal records? Partners for Mathematics Learning

27 Respond in Your Journal
27 Respond in Your Journal  Is there a record keeping idea that you have not tried that appeals to you?  How can anecdotal records help you guide individual students’ learning and/or seek interventions?  How will anecdotal records improve your conversations at parent conferences? Partners for Mathematics Learning

28 Goals of Module 3  Identifying what we know from student
28 Goals of Module 3  Identifying what we know from student conversations and student work  Recording assessment information  Identifying occasions for student interviews  Identifying, discussing, and writing helpful feedback for moving students forward Partners for Mathematics Learning

29 Rationale for Student Interviews
29 Rationale for Student Interviews Through conversations and interviews…  Teachers learn more about each child’s thinking and learning needs  Teachers can “tweak” lessons to meet individual needs within the structure of lessons from their math program  Teachers have better information for providing interventions and differentiation Partners for Mathematics Learning

30 Student Interviews  Can be scheduled with individuals
30 Student Interviews  Can be scheduled with individuals throughout the week  Can be a brief conversation with students as they are waiting in line  Can be a focused small group discussion  Can be conversations during center time, as students play games or complete seatwork Partners for Mathematics Learning

31  Teacher: What does infinity mean?
31 Importance of Clear Evidence  Teacher: What does infinity mean?  Student (who has behavior problems): I think it is the back of the Cream of Wheat Box  Teacher’s impression: (Student does not know) Does the individual that answers make a difference in our inferences or the follow- up questions we ask? Partners for Mathematics Learning

32 Importance of Clear Evidence
32 Importance of Clear Evidence  Student explains: The picture on the back of the Cream of Wheat box is of a man holding the same box, and this picture showed the same picture of the man holding the box and the same smaller man holding the box  Notice that the answer was not clear or adequate to define infinity, but the issue is that we might not have asked for the explanation Partners for Mathematics Learning

33  Identifying what we know from student
33 Goals of Module 3  Identifying what we know from student conversations and student work  Recording assessment information  Identifying occasions for student interviews  Identifying, discussing, and writing helpful feedback for moving students forward Partners for Mathematics Learning

34 Providing Feedback  What types of feedback do teachers
34 Providing Feedback  What types of feedback do teachers provide students?  What is the purpose of providing feedback? Partners for Mathematics Learning

35 Feedback Informs Learning
35 Feedback Informs Learning  “Actionable” feedback tells students what they are doing right or what they need to rethink or correct  Can be given to the class as a whole, small groups, or to individual students  Can be written or oral  Should relate to the mathematics of the tasks  Should be timely  Is based on observations or student work Partners for Mathematics Learning

36  In table groups, sort the feedback cards
36 Providing Feedback  In table groups, sort the feedback cards into categories  Talk at your table  How did you sort your cards?  Would you change any of the feedback? Partners for Mathematics Learning

37 Praise as Feedback  Motivational feedback may encourage or
37 Praise as Feedback  Motivational feedback may encourage or support the learner, but it does not offer suggestions for improvement  How might the comments “Good Work” or “Excellent” discourage a strong student from continuing to improve?  How are struggling students affected when others get praise and they never get this feedback? Partners for Mathematics Learning

38 Grades as Feedback  Research says that if teachers give
38 Grades as Feedback  Research says that if teachers give students feedback and a grade on work, students ignore the feedback and focus on the grades  What does a grade tell students or parents about what the child knows and what the child still needs to learn?  How do grades (as opposed to feedback) provide information about student growth? Partners for Mathematics Learning

39 Descriptive/Actionable Feedback
39 Descriptive/Actionable Feedback Is specific to the learning targets Describes learning Points students in a productive direction Makes students aware of errors or areas for more thought  Provides next steps for specific action (Guskey, T., 2009) Partners for Mathematics Learning

40 * Basic ideas for student involvement in learning
40 Feedback That is “Actionable”  Helps students answer these questions:*  Where am I going?  Where am I now?  How can I close the gap?  Provides opportunities for students to have ownership of their learning * Basic ideas for student involvement in learning from the majority of formative assessment literature Partners for Mathematics Learning

41 Summarizing Feedback  Feedback is formative only if the
41 Summarizing Feedback  Feedback is formative only if the information given back to the learner is used by the learner in improving performance  The bottom line is that teachers need to reflect on what students are saying and putting on paper so that they are able to give their pupils feedback that they know in advance is going to be useful Black and Wiliam, 2009 Partners for Mathematics Learning

42 Homework for Module 4  This module addressed both student
42 Homework for Module 4  This module addressed both student interviews and providing helpful feedback to students…  Select one new practice addressed in Module 3 to try in your classroom  In your journal, describe the practice you tried and how it impacted the assessment in your classroom Partners for Mathematics Learning

43 Reflection  Identify times in your day and throughout
43 Reflection  Identify times in your day and throughout your mathematics program when you can  Gather information about student thinking through conversations and looking at student work  Schedule student interviews  Provide actionable feedback Partners for Mathematics Learning

44 Partners for Mathematics Learning is a Mathematics-Science
44 DPI Mathematics Staff Chief Consultant Renee Cunningham Kitty Rutherford Robin Barbour Mary H. Russell Carmella Fair Johannah Maynor Amy Scrinzi Partners for Mathematics Learning is a Mathematics-Science Partnership Project funded by the NC Department of Public Instruction. Permission is granted for the use of these materials in professional development in North Carolina Partner school districts. Partners for Mathematics Learning

45 PML Dissemination Consultants
45 PML Dissemination Consultants Julia Cazin Ruafika Cobb Anna Corbett Gail Cotton Jeanette Cox Lisa Davis R yan D ougherty Tricia Essick Tery Gunter Barbara Hardy Kathy Harris Rendy King R ene L emons- M atney Tina McSwain Marilyn Michue Kayonna Pitchford Ron Powell Susan Riddle Alisan Royster Judith Rucker P enny S hockley Pat Sickles Nancy Teague Jan Wessell Dan Wicks Carol Williams Stacy Wozny Partners for Mathematics Learning

46 2010 Writers Ana Floyd Katie Mawhinney Kayonna Pitchford Wendy Rich
46 Partners Staff Jeane M. Joyner, Co-PI & Project Director Freda Ballard, Webmaster Anita Bowman, Outside Evaluator Meghan Griffith, Administrative Assistant Tim Hendrix, Co-PI and Higher Ed Ben Klein , Higher Education Katie Mawhinney, Co-PI and Higher Ed Catherine Schwartz, Higher Education 2010 Writers Ana Floyd Katie Mawhinney Kayonna Pitchford Wendy Rich Nancy Teague Stacy Wozny Please give appropriate credit to the Partners for Mathematics Learning project when using the materials. Permission is granted for their use in professional development in North Carolina Partner school districts. Partners for Mathematics Learning

47 Grades K-2 Formative Assessment to Support Student Learning PARTNERS
47 PARTNERS for Mathematics Learning Formative Assessment to Support Student Learning Module 3 Grades K-2 Inferences and Feedback Partners for Mathematics Learning

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