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What role do governments have in reducing disaster?

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Presentation on theme: "What role do governments have in reducing disaster?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What role do governments have in reducing disaster?
Starting point: The Sendai Framework What is the Sendai framework? What does the framework suggest about the importance of governance in disaster risk reduction? Pupils to watch the starter video and suggest what it is saying about the importance of governance in disaster risk reduction.

2 Key Enquiry Question 2: Why do some tectonic hazards develop into disasters?
Lesson 10 LO: To be able to examine how governance is important in understanding disaster impact and vulnerability. Concept Checker: 1.6b. Governance (P: local and national government) and geographical factors (population density, isolation and accessibility, degree of urbanisation) influence vulnerability and a communities resilience. 1.6c. Contrasting hazard events in developed, emerging and developing countries to show the interaction of physical factors and the significance of context in influencing the scale of disaster. Key terms: Governance Players Vulnerability

3 What is governance anyway?
The sum of the many ways individuals and _________, public and private, manage their common affairs. It is a __________ process through which conflicting or ________ interests may be accommodated and _________ action may be taken. It includes ______ institutions and regimes empowered to enforce __________, as well as __________ arrangements that people and institutions have either ______ to or perceive to be in their _______. Provide gap fill for pupils to get to grips with this key term – discuss what is meant by this definition, can they apply it to any examples they have come across so far in their studies? continuing diverse informal formal compliance institutions agreed interest co-operative

4 Components of Governance
Economic governance includes the decision-making processes that affect a country’s economic activities and its relationship with other economies. This has major implications for equity, poverty and people’s quality of life. Administrative governance is the system of policy implementation and require good governance at central and local levels. In the case of disaster risk reduction, it requires functioning enforcement of building codes, landuse planning, environmental risk and human vulnerability monitoring and safety standards. Political governance is the process of decision making to create policies, including national disaster reduction and planning. The nature of this process and the way it brings together the state, non-state and private-sector players/stakeholders determines the quality of the policy outcomes. Pupils to consider how these components interact with each other (they are to fill in those interaction in the copy provided). They are also to consider examples from what they have already read about in their homework and in our previous case examples from previous lessons.

5 Is governance just done by individual governments?
Discussion point – to your partner, explain whether you think the answer is yes or no and elaborate on why you believe your answer to be correct. Debrief as a group why pupils believe the answer to be no – make sure pupils are able to create links to their topic on globalisation at this point.

6 3 earthquakes, 3 different outcomes
You will now be assigned one of three earthquakes (disasters) to examine. In the graphic organiser you must: Provide context details for the earthquake Provide impact details for the earthquake (think long and short term) Provide management/response details for the earthquake Evaluate these details against the concept of governance (was this a disaster because of poor management?) See graphic organiser in the lesson folder (print in A3) – information can come from the textbook and iPads.

7 Sharing is Caring Now, you will find 2 other people who have explored two different earthquakes. You will teach each other what you have learnt and you will fill in the graphic organiser with the missing details. Stretch and Challenge task – Score each in terms of their governance of the event (think /10)

8 Reason’s Swiss Cheese Model
Plenary – discussion of the model, can pupils identify the holes in their examples that led to their disasters? Provide pupils with blank model and they will annotate with the details from their named examples.

9 Blank model for pupils

10 Homework: Watch this Youtube video…
‘There is nothing natural about disaster’

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