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Presentation to Portfolio Committee

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1 Presentation to Portfolio Committee

2 Purpose and scope of the report Rating of Performance
OVERVIEW Executive Summary Purpose and scope of the report Rating of Performance 1st Quarter Achievements Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Expenditure performance for the 1st Quarter 2016/17

3 Executive Summary This is the report on the organisation’s progress with regards to the achievement of the 1st Quarter Targets on the organisation’s 2016/2017 Annual Performance Plan (APP) as at the end of June 2016. The report has been compiled by the Executive members of the CPSI based on the analysis of the progress from the work streams. The reported progress has been verified by the Internal Audit and Risk Management Unit confirming the achievements as presented here.

4 Purpose and scope of the report
The monitoring and reporting of the organisation's performance against its Annual Performance Plan (APP) is a requirement as per; Section 40(d) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No 1 of 1999), and National Treasury's Framework for Strategic and Annual Performance Plans (August 2010).  Accordingly the report has been submitted to; The Minister and Deputy Minister; The Director General of the DPSA for noting; The National Treasury; and The Department of Monitoring and Evaluation. This 1st Quarter Report highlights the overall performance of the organisation.

5 Overview of the Organisation’s 1st Quarter Performance
No of Targets 1st Quarter Targets Achieved 1st Quarter Targets Partially achieved 1st Quarter Targets Not Achieved 21

6 Overview of the Organisation’s 1st Quarter Performance cont….
During the 1st Quarter period the organisation had 21 Targets. As at the end of June, 100% of the targets were achieved. A full achievement (100%) of all quarterly targets is required to give assurance that the planned annual targets, as per the 2016/17 annual operational plan, will be achieved.

7 1st Quarter Achievements
Replication of Innovative solutions selected from the 2015 Innovation Awards Finalists: The “Saving Blood Saving Lives Initiative” from Edendale Hospital Saved the hospital over R 13,25 mil since 2013 through ensuring efficient use of blood and blood products to eliminate wastage. Successfully replicated in Bertha Gxowa where it is now saving R per month. In Q1 the replication was initiated at Chris Hani Baragwanath and Charlotte Maxeke Hospitals. High Volume Cataract Project from Eerste River This project ensures the efficient use of a theatre to double the number of cataract operations. Risk analysis completed in preparation for replication. Memeza Community Policing Alarms The household policing alarms system, successfully piloted by the CPSI, connect households directly with police stations and sector policing vehicle to ensure rapid response to incidents of crime. Funding secured for the further roll-out to no-fee schools and vulnerable families in Gauteng (e.g. child-headed households).

8 1st Quarter Achievements
CPSI secured a partnership with the UNDP on Innovation in preparation for replication in Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KZN through a series of workshops for hospital CEOs. Canadian donor funding was secured with the support of the DPSA to initiate a 5 year programme for replication and scaling up of successful pilot projects, including projects that entered for the CPSI Innovation Award. Pilot Projects: The CPSI has, with Bertha Gxowa Hospital, initiated a project that will create an Innovation Hub at the hospital, with the support of the Groote Schuur Hospital/ Bertha Centre. This will entrench a culture and practice of innovation within the hospital in order to address the most persistent service delivery challenges. The Helen Joseph Energy Efficiency project, that is developing a model to reduce the energy use in the hospital, continued with preparations for the final installations and ongoing behaviour change initiatives.

9 1st Quarter Achievements
Service delivery challenges investigated and potential solutions identified: The DTI was supported to address challenges relating to performance reporting and management of public entities reporting to the Minister of Trade and Industry. Three potential solutions were identified to inform DTI’s initiative to develop an appropriate solution. Two Case studies developed for publication in the next edition of Ideas That Work: The Workplace Delivery of Chronic Medication (2015 Innovator of the Year); The Operation Sukuma Sakhe in KZN. The CPSI Innovation Awards launch: The 2016 Awards programme was launched on the 7th of April in the Free State, attended by the DG of the Province; representatives from other provinces; adjudicators; a PSC Commissioner and a number of national departments and municipalities. The UNPAN workshop: The UNPAN workshop was held on 8 and 9 June 2016 in partnership with the UNDP. 10 SADC countries participated in the workshop, with contributions by the Statistician-General and the UNDP regional and country representatives. The Open Government Partnership was profiled.

10 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables
Strategic Management (Objective: Consolidate and monitor the implementation of the performance plans in line with the organisation’s strategic priorities and statutory reporting regulations) Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 1. Quarterly performance reports submitted to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury Submit the 4th Quarter report of 2015/16 to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury by 30 April 2016 4th Quarter report of 2015/16 submitted to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury by 30 April 2016 None Achieved 2. Submit the organisation's Performance Plan and Annual Report for tabling in Parliament and submission to DPSA, DPME, the Auditor General and the National Treasury Submit 1st draft Annual Report to Auditor General and the National Treasury by 31 May 2016 1st draft Annual Report to Auditor General and the National Treasury by 31 May 2016

11 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables
Corporate Resource Management (Objective: To develop and implement Corporate Resource Management policies, procedures, plans or strategies to ensure organisational compliance, effectiveness and efficiency) Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 3. Identify, develop and implement at least two CRM policies, procedures, plans or strategies Two CRM policies, procedures, plans or strategies identified and developed Identified and developed the Performance Management and Development policy and the Bereavement policy None Achieved

12 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables
Office of the CFO (Objective: To develop and implement Corporate Resource Management policies, procedures, plans or strategies to ensure organisational compliance, effectiveness and efficiency) Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 4. Quarterly financial reports submitted to the MPSA, DPSA and the National Treasury Submit the 4th Quarter report of 2015/16 to MPSA, DPSA and the National Treasury by 30 April 2016 4th Quarter report of 2015/16 submitted to MPSA, DPSA, and National Treasury and MPSA by 30 April 2016 None Achieved 5. Submit the organsation’s Financial Statements to Auditor General, DPSA and the National Treasury on 31 May 2016 Submit the organisation’s Financial Statements to Auditor General, DPSA and the National Treasury on 31 May 2016 Annual Financial Statements submitted to Auditor General, DPSA and the National Treasury on 31 May 2016

13 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables
Office of the CFO (Objective: To develop and implement Corporate Resource Management policies, procedures, plans or strategies to ensure organisational compliance, effectiveness and efficiency) Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 6. Submit the Organisational Procurement Plan and Consultancy Reduction Plan to the DPSA and the National Treasury Submit to National Treasury the approved organisational Procurement Plan to the DPSA and the National Treasury by 30 April 2016 Approved organisational Procurement Plan submitted to the DPSA and the National Treasury by 30 April 2016 None Achieved 7. Identify, develop and implement at least two Financial or Supply chain management policies or procedures Two Financial or Supply chain management policies, procedures, plans or strategies identified and developed Identified and developed the Asset Management Policy and Development policy and the Unauthorised/ Irregular and Fruitless Expenditure

14 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables
Research and Development (Objective: To investigate service delivery challenges to identify solutions for possible development, adaptation, piloting and/ or replication, in partnership with the relevant stakeholders) Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 8. At least three service delivery challenges investigated and possible solutions identified One service delivery challenge Investigated and potential solutions identified DTI reporting and performance management of entities challenge investigated and three potential solutions identified None Achieved 9. At least 5 case studies related to service delivery innovations developed for dissemination 2 Case studies related to service delivery innovations developed 2 Case studies related to service delivery were developed and submitted for publication in the next edition of Ideas That Work. The case studies are Workplace Service Delivery of Medication(2015 Innovator of the Year) and Operation Sukuma Sakhe

15 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables
Solution Support and Incubation (Objective: To pilot with service owners, demonstrate to public servants, and facilitate the replication, in identified sectors, of innovative models and solutions that improve service delivery) Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 10. Complete the pilot initiated in 2015/16 to address service delivery challenges Report for 2015/16 pilot project submitted Final report on the Memeza Diepsloot Pilot Project submitted, the outcome has informed the planning for further replication of the project. None Achieved 11. At least one new pilot initiated to address service delivery challenges Stakeholder engagement, risk analysis, and project planning Health-Sector Innovation Hub project for Bertha Gxowa Hospital: Both Internal and external Stakeholder Engagements were held. Risk analysis and Project planning was Initiated to be completed in the 2nd quarter as per 2nd quarter target.

16 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables
Solution Support and Incubation (Continue) Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 12. Continuation of the pilot initiated in 2015/16 to address service delivery challenges Stakeholder engagement, risk analysis, and drafting the project planning Piloting of the Helen Joseph Energy Efficiency continuing with securing of quotations for PV. Stakeholder engagement, risk analysis and project planning were completed ahead of schedule. None Achieved 13. At least 50 public sector officials and other partners should visit the MMIC At least 50 public sector officials and other partners should visit the MMIC A total of 170 public sector officials and other partners visited and used the MMIC. This included, amongst others, SADC/UNPAN delegates, Public Service Commissioners and the Office of the Public Service Commission.

17 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables
Solution Support and Incubation (Continue) Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 14. Upgrading of equipment of MMIC and updating content as determined by assessment of 2015/16 Procurement process initiated in line with assessment Procurement process for the upgrading of equipment of MMIC and updating content has been initiated in line with assessment. None Achieved 15. Two CPSI award winning and/or other innovation projects facilitated for replication Two Projects identified, assessment and risk analysis for replicability done through an internal review process Two projects identified for replication. The two projects are Saving Blood Saving Lives and the High Volume Cataract Project. Risk analysis was done especially looking at those factors that will impact on the replication on both projects.

18 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables
Enabling Environment (Objective: To promote a culture of innovation in the public sector to enhance service delivery through sustaining and managing knowledge programmes, products and platforms) Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 16. At least four projects per category identified and recognised in a formal awards ceremony Call for Entries Ceremony held to launch the 2016 Public Sector Innovation Awards Programme The Call for Entries for the 2016 Awards programme was launched on the 7th of April in the Free State None Achieved 17. Host the Annual Public Sector Innovation Conference to share at least five innovative case studies and a panel of experts’ discussion held Conference Theme approved. Stakeholder involvement/collaborations confirmed The conference theme and concept document were deliberated on, finalised and approved. Potential speakers were identified and invited to participate in the conference.

19 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables
Enabling Environment (Continue) Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 18. Publish Vol 7 Issue 1 and 2 of the “Ideas that Work” : The South African Public Sector innovation Journal published with at least 5 case studies and copies disseminate copies to the public sector, academia and stakeholders Vol 7 Issue 1 of “Ideas that Work”: The South African Public Sector Innovation Journal drafted Articles for Volume 7 Issue 1 were identified and drafted None Achieved 19. Upload 1200 content items on innovation, public administration and finance onto the UNPAN Portal 300 SADC public administration and innovation documents, news and events uploaded on the UNPAN Portal 339 content items uploaded on the UNPAN portal, exceeding the target of 300 for the quarter

20 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables
Enabling Environment (Continue) Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 20. Host a UNPAN SADC regional workshop attended by representatives from SADC countries SADC UNPAN workshop hosted The UNPAN workshop was held on 8 and 9 June The workshop was attended by 10 SADC countries. It was also attended by the SA-UNDP country office and the Statistician-General None Achieved 21. Participate in at least two Regional and International programmes Participate in one International programme South Africa was represented by the MPSA in the 16th session of the United Nations CEPA April 2016

21 Expenditure performance for the 1st Quarter 2016/17
Description R’000/ % Annual Appropriation 32 094 Expenditure to 30 June 2016 6 221 Budget Remaining 25 873 % Spent (April – June 2016) 19.38% Description R’000/ % Annual Appropriation 32 094 Expenditure to 31 July 2016 9 049 Budget Remaining 23 045 % Spent (April – July 2016) 28.20%

22 Expenditure performance for the 1st Quarter 2016/17
 The expenditure per component up to 30 June 2016 is as follows: Description 2016/17 ENE Original Allocations Actual Expenditure 30 June 2016 Budget Unspent % Budget Spent R'000 % SM 3 946 679 3 267 17.20 CRM 7 988 1 332 6 656 16.67 OCFO 4 559 1 510 3 049 33.11 Programme 1 16 493 3 520 12 973 21.34 RD 3 572 584 2 988 16.36 SSI 4 325 927 3 398 21.40 EE 7 704 1 190 6 514 15.45 Programme 2 15 601 2 701 12 900 17.31 Total 32 094 6 221 25 873 19.38

23 Expenditure performance for the 1st Quarter 2015/16
The expenditure per economic classification up to 30 June 2016 is as follows: Description 2016/17 ENE Original Allocations Actual Expenditure 30 June 2016 Budget Unspent % Budget Spent R'000 % Compensation of Employees 17 237 3 830 13 407 22.22 Goods and Services 14 769 2 348 12 421 15.90 Transfers and Subsidies 19 - Machinery and Equipment 69 42 27 60.80 Total 32 094 6 220 25 874 19.38


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