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Distributing Queries Over Low Power Sensor Networks

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1 Distributing Queries Over Low Power Sensor Networks
Sam Madden, Robert Szewczyk, Michael Franklin, Wei Hong, Joe Hellerstein, and David Culler Focus: Hierarchical Aggregation Queries and Sensor Networks Query processing a core in-network service Networking researchers buy this Collaborations at Berkeley, MIT, UCLA, Intel, ICIR More DB folks should play in this space! adaptive query processing language and semantic issues approximate/online algorithms Integration of sensornets with the rest of the world’s information Telegraph Fundamental Questions Architectural boundaries between query processing and other network layers? Synergies between NW/DB ideas/outlooks/skills? Wireless Sensor Networks Palm Devices Linux Aggregation natural in sensornets The “big picture” typically interesting Aggregation can smooth noise and loss UDAs to do signal processing Provides data reduction Power/Network Reduction: in-network aggregation Hierarchical version of parallel aggregation Tricky design space Metrics: power cost and answer quality Variables: topology-selection, value-routing scheme, other tricks Dynamic environment requires adaptive schemes Smart Dust Motes TinyOS Query Simulation A spectrum of devices Varying degrees of power and network constraints This demo: Mica and TinyOS Focus on many/tiny Toward MEMS “Smart Dust” Off-the-shelf HW for now: Berkeley Mica Mote Wireless, single-ported, ad-hoc network Spanning-tree communication through “root” Performance in Tiny SensorNets A Query Language for Sensors Aggregation and NW Optimization Power consumption Communication >> Computation METRIC: radio wake time Send > Receive METRIC: messages generated Bandwidth Constraints Internal >> External Volume >> surface area Result Quality Noisy sensors Discrete sampling of continuous phenomena Lossy communication channel Continuous queries with streaming, periodic results UDAs and UDFs Currently compiled-in Mote Virtual Machine (Mate) under development Periodic nature allows for: Scheduling of communication and sleep Simple semantics for combining multi-hop readings Clearly other alternatives here E.g. sequence/timeseries/temporal query languages An expanded taxonomy of aggregates State Duplicate sensitivity Montonicity Exemplary vs. Summary Effects on Value Routing Snooping and Suppression Caching and Presumption Hypothesis Testing Collapsing of the NW and QP layers! SELECT <aggs>, <attrs> WHERE <preds> GROUP BY <expr> HAVING <preds> EPOCH DURATION <constant> TinyDB Software On Motes SensorNets: A Classic QP Problem! Typical networking abstractions are inappropriate Querying, not addressing Don’t want to connect to a port at node ID 0x6f4623b Want to know “what’s going on” in the sensed environment Data, not packets Minimize communication by processing content in-network Data independence required! Physical layer usually volatile, often irrelevant Apps need to be robust to changes Apps need a high-level language for data collection Echoes the demise of the Network Data Model Time to revisit these issues in the network itself Network-Aware Aggregation New networking regime for a query processor Parallel/distributed DBMS assumed reliable bus network abstractions We have an unreliable cellular network Need to integrate NW understanding with query processor Examples: Value Routing Schemes Tuple-forwarding vs. Value flow routing Snooping and Suppression Caching and Presumption Hypothesis Testing 4200 lines of C Code Runs on Mica Motes with light and temperature sensors, magnetometers and accelerometers 4Mhz Atmel Processor 4KB RAM, 40kBit radio, 512K EEPROM, 128K Flash Ad-hoc queries Java UI Split-pane display Topology visualization Applications Environmental, military NW Monitoring!

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