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Fr. Mike Walsh was born in Los Angeles in 1932

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1 In Memory of Father Mike Walsh 1932 – 2016 A founding member of the Latino Community Association

2 Fr. Mike Walsh was born in Los Angeles in 1932
Fr. Mike Walsh was born in Los Angeles in After attending parochial school, he entered St. Francis High School and was in the school’s first graduating class in At the school, Fr. Mike grew to admire the Capuchins and decided to join the order. Fr. Mike Walsh was ordained in In 1991, his journey continued in Bend, Oregon at St. Francis Parish.

3 He's lovingly served at St Francis Parish, and hiked mountains with youth, worked with Latino groups, and met with a close group of men each week for years becoming very close to many groups and individuals as he humbly accepted everyone.

4 Father Mike was influential in the formation of Programa de Ayuda (Program of Help) currently known as the Latino Community Association


6 Fr. Mike Walsh O.F.M.Cap a.k.a. Father Mike
“The Programa de Ayuda began as a Hot line that rang in my room around 1995…” Fr. Mike Walsh O.F.M.Cap a.k.a. Father Mike

7 In 1990 there were about 20 Latino families living in the Bend area
In 1990 there were about 20 Latino families living in the Bend area. They began to organize themselves into “comites” to organize events (5 de Mayo, Dia de los Muertos, Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe, etc.) so the Latino culture could be celebrated and shared with the rest of the community in the hope of abolishing stereotypes about Latinos.


9 Between 1993 and 1996, the leadership “comite” began to both ask for donations from the community as well as earmark some of the funds raised during the cultural activities to try to meet emergency needs of families in crisis.


11 In September of 1997, at the recommendation of the Hispanic Advocacy Council and with some money from the Catholic diocese of Baker, a Hispanic Help Line was established to help Latinos get the referral and translation help they needed.


13 In January of 1999, the program made plans to hire a half-time caseworker to help Latinos become more self-sufficient as well as develop a volunteer network for this purpose. Later in 1999, the first caseworker to help Latinos was hired.


15 The Latino Community Association works to continue Father Mike’s vision to help Latinos become more self- sufficient, have better access to services, become more integrated into the community, and grow in their leadership skills and abilities, so as to attain a greater degree of social, economic, educational and political justice. 


17 Through training and education the Latino Community Association helps Latinos to become more aware of their rights, learn how to access social services, and take advantage of the opportunities available for education and advancement. 


19 By serving as a liaison between monolingual Latinos and local doctors, hospitals and clinics, we help improved access to culturally appropriate health care. 


21 By helping Latinos gain access to ESL classes, and by offering training in such things as American culture and values and how to manage their finances and pay their taxes, the Latino Community Association helps them become more integrated into the broader community. 


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