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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL AGENCY FOR SMEs AND CO-OPERATIVES"— Presentation transcript:

“The protection of women entrepreneur in Europe: practices, perspectives and programmes” Como, Italy April 21st , 2006

2 National multiannual programme between to develop the entrepreneurial culture among manager women from the SMEs sector

3 The main objective of this programme is to promote a system that facilitates women mobility on labour market and help them to get involved in private economic structures and also maintain the balance between family and work.

4 Tasks: ü to stimulate self employment
ü to develop the entrepreneurial spirit among women ü  to raise the level of information about women entrepreneurship ü  to raise the number of women entrepreneurs within the business community ü   to create new start -ups ü  to have  equal access to the knowledge based economy equal access to the knowledge based economy

5 A little history… This initiative represents the first step ever taken by NASMEC to promote women entrepreneurship activities in Romania. I want to thank WES network and ProWomEn network for their support, encouragement and appreciation.

6 We have tradition….. This programme was launched last year and it had 4 steps: An information campaign, called “Women entrepreneur days”,organized in 7 cities from Romania (Baia Mare, Constanta, Galati, Ramnicu Valcea, Timisoara, Brasov and Iasi). It consisted of seminars where women were informed about business women clusters, women entrepreneur associations, financing sources for SMEs, success stories of women entrepreneurs.

7 Our seminars… They were very interested about all financing sources for their businesses…

8 These are from a Q&A section….

9 We guided them for creating start-ups….

10 The second step was made of….
Free entrepreneurial courses for Romanian women above 18 years old and primary education, organized in 5 counties: Bucharest, Bihor, Constanta, Brasov and Neamt. Each location hosted 25 participants and the course last for 4 days.Women were tought how to start up a business, how to elaborate a business plan, how to keep basic accountancy of a SME, management and marketing issues, SME legislation a.s.o.These courses ended up on November and each participant had a test and received a diploma.

11 The topics covered their interests and they were very involved…

12 At the end each participant had an exam….

13 After that came the third step…
Consisted of elaborating and publishing guides and brochures that describe not only this programme but also business management, Romanian legislation regarding the SMEs sector, marketing and business development, small business ideas and a guide called “ Women associations from Romania and international practice”. Each graduate received her diploma together with a pack of all 4 brochures.

14 And finally …. The programme ended with its fourth step which consisted of running a survey about women entrepreneurship in Romania, using the phone assisted by the computer and its results will be published soon on our website.

15 2005 results… About 130 women were trained in 2005 to become entrepreneur and as a consequence, almost 20 of them have started up their own business. More than that,over 500 women participated at the first information and promotion campaign called " Women entrepreneur days".

16 2006: Our programme has just started….
We shall continue the “Women entrepreneur days” campaign that will be held in 9 important cities from Romania:Tulcea, Bacau, Suceava, Cluj Napoca, Targu Mureş, Sibiu, Arad, Craiova and Pitesti. The seminars will cover interesting issues as: Describing the programme: 2005 results and 2006 planned activities; Disseminating 2004 WES Report Presenting the Romanian business women associations Presenting the financing sources for the SMEs sector Presenting impressions of 2005 graduates Organizing small exhibitions for women entrepreneurs

17 2006: A new session of free entrepreneurial courses for women….
Legislation Business plan elaboration Business psychology Communication and logistical tools Business assurance Business financing Basic accountancy and cash flow Risk management, financial management,human resources management E-commerce Marketing Business transfer Franchising Public procurement Implementing quality standards Each course will last for 5 days and will be held in 7 counties from Romania:Braila, Vaslui, Bistrita –Nasaud, Harghita, Hunedoara, Mehedinti and Prahova. Every location will host 25 students.There will be theoretical and interactive parts that will cover issues like:

18 2006: These courses are available for…
Romanian women ,with the age above 18 and elementary education graduates that fulfil the Sign up form and send it together with a copy of the ID card and a copy of the diploma to our Programme Implementation Unit. Priority will be given for country women, for ethnical minority women and for social disadvantaged women. There will be an exam and each graduate will receive a certificate and a course manual.

19 2006: The third phase will consist of…
Elaborating and publishing the following brochures: 10 success business in Romania managed by women SME’s ABC: How do I start up and develop my own business? A successful business plan What is entrepreneurship? Is employees training an expense or an investment? Franchising, Leasing, E-commerce

20 2006: Last but not least… This programme will end with its fourth phase that will be very interesting and challenging: we shall organize, on October 2006, in Bucharest (capital city of Romania), the international conference called : “Women entrepreneurship”. There will be invited governmental and nongovernmental entities that are involved in promoting and supporting business environment, equal opportunities, 2005 and 2006 course graduates and also international bodies (associations, networks, governmental agencies a.s.o.) that promote women entrepreneurship.

21 So, I kindly invite you to attend this conference and share your experience, knowledge and best practice in promoting entrepreneurship among women. For more details don’t hesitate to contact the National Agency for SMEs and Co-Operatives from Romania.

22 Web site:
I thank you all! Mrs.Mihaela Cristea –Programme Coordinator Address: 11 Poterasi Street, sector 4, Bucharest 040263, Romania : Telephone: Mobile phone: Web site:


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