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Virginia House of Burgesses 1619

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2 Virginia House of Burgesses 1619

3 Who: Only wealthy, white, property owning males could be a burgess

4 What: The House of Burgesses met once a year to create laws for the entire colony of Virginia.

5 When: It was founded in 1619.

6 Where: It originated near Jamestown, Virginia.

7 Why is it important? The House of Burgesses was the first representative government in North America.

8 House of Burgesses 1619- Step 1 in self-government in America

9 The Virginia Company established the House of Burgesses in 1619, which- A. was the first government to have a president. B. established the doctrine of separation of powers. C. had the power to veto acts of Parliament. D. was the first representative legislature in English colonies.

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