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English Settlement in the New World

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1 English Settlement in the New World
8-1.3: Summarize the history of English settlement in New England , the mid- Atlantic region , and the South, with an emphasis on South Carolina as an example of a distinctly. Presentation 1 By A’niya Johnson and Nicole Valle

2 First English Settlement
Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in the New World (1607). For several years , Jamestown settlers encountered starvation and death of many until tobacco made the settlement sustainable. Tobacco growers enlarged their landholding through the headright system and secured workers by paying for the passage of indentured servants . In the late 1600s tobacco growers turned to a more reliable source – African slaves.

3 First English Settlement and Its Cash Crop

4 House of Burgesses The House of Burgesses (1619) was established so that settlers would have a voice in the governance of the colony. Jamestown grew into the colony of Virginia and established the pattern for the southern colonies.

5 Establishment in the New England Colonies
The New England colonies were founded as a haven for religious persecuted in England. Separatists (Pilgrims) landed at Plymouth after signing the Mayflower Compact (1620) established another bedrock of American democracy – the idea that the people form the government.

6 The Puritans A much larger migration of Puritans landed in the Massachusetts Bay (1630). The Puritans invested in their own joint stock company and brought their charter with them to the New World. The Puritans established a democratic form of government that included town meetings and a general assembly. All male church members could vote .


8 Vocabulary Headright System - Land provided to anyone who paid their own (or others) passage to the colony. House of Burgesses - Government that included settlers. Puritans – Migrants who colonized Massachusetts Bay and practice strict religious beliefs. Joint Stock Company – Association of individuals in a business with transferable shares. Ex. Company ABC Democracy – Government in which power is with the people and their elected representative. Ex. The United States Government

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