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Comma Rule D D. Use a comma after an introductory word, phrase, or clause.

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Presentation on theme: "Comma Rule D D. Use a comma after an introductory word, phrase, or clause."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comma Rule D D. Use a comma after an introductory word, phrase, or clause.

2 Introductory Word: Tom, what do you want to do after school? Oh, I don’t know. Great, you never know what to do. Well, maybe we should do homework. Okay, that sounds fun. Practice Write two sentences that have and introductory word. Place commas in the correct spot.

3 Introductory phrase: At the top of the hill, I stopped to look at the stunning view. Walking slowly, my friend finally caught up with me. To get to the next hill, we will need to walk much faster. Practice Write two sentences that have and introductory phrase. Place commas in the correct spot.

4 Introductory clause: When the team came out of the locker room, the crowd cheered wildly. If you have a favorite team, you know how it feels to cheer them on. Although not all teams are champions, they all work very hard. Practice Write two sentences that have and introductory clause. Place commas in the correct spot.

5 Comma Rule E E. Use commas to set off nonessential interrupters in a sentence.

6 Non-essential interrupters are ones that can be taken out of the sentence because it is added information that is not essential. They need to be set off with commas. My new car, which cost me a fortune, is in the parking lot. Her final poem, scribbled on a napkin, won the prize at school. My mom, you realize, is the best cook around. Practice Write two sentences that have nonessential interrupters. Place commas in the correct spot.

7 An essential interrupter is necessary to the meaning of the sentence
An essential interrupter is necessary to the meaning of the sentence. It helps describe or identify the person or object in the sentence. Do not set of with commas. The student wearing a hat was asked to remove it. The paragraph that contains the information on cats has to be placed at the end of the essay. The song was recorded by the famous singer Elton John. Practice Write two sentences that have essential interrupters. Underline the interrupters to show where they are.

8 We played tennis, not racquetball.
Comma Rule F Use commas to prevent readers from misunderstanding a sentence. We played tennis, not racquetball.

9 I fell in love with the tall trees, and the blue lake.
Comma Rule G Do not us commas unnecessarily I fell in love with the tall trees, and the blue lake. She asked what you wanted, and where you were going.

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