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Integrating CSC into our Schedules

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1 Integrating CSC into our Schedules
Note: If your CSC Leadership Team has already made decisions about where CSC should fit in the day, then you may not need this session for your staff. This session is designed to assist teachers with including CSC components in their daily and weekly schedules. Materials CSC red Teacher Calendars Teacher weekly calendars or schedules Time Needed: minutes _______________________________________________________________________________ SLIDE: Cover 1 minute Explain that today’s session will give us a chance to schedule class meetings and buddies, two core components of the Caring School Community program.

2 Revisit Vision SLIDE: Revisit Vision 5-7 minutes
Note: You could tie CSC back to one of any number of visions around school culture: District vision School vision CSC Leadership Team vision If your school has created a common vision around school culture (see module) then share it again here as a reminder about why we need to carve out time for this. Or remind them how this work ties to a broader vision of what our schools should be.

3 CSC Saves Time “In the first two weeks of school, we talk about ways we want the classroom to be. We listen and talk to each other until everybody agrees on what’s acceptable. Then when someone does something disruptive, the kids can talk to each other instead of bringing the problem to me. So problems get resolved much faster - and behavior isn’t the focus of the classroom.” - Gail Fay, grade 6 teacher SLIDE: CSC Saves Time 2 minutes Remind participants that teachers often say that CSC ends up saving time for their class – being proactive rather than reactive around management and behavior issues. You can also share the following quote if it seems helpful: “Having class meetings helps with management. Whenever we have incidents in the classroom, I can refer to that touchstone meeting where we talked about how we want to work together. By saying, ‘Remember when we decided what we wanted?’ I don’t have to go through the whole process with the child. That means I’m not problem solving all the time. Also, since we have class meetings every day, my kids know they have a place to bring their issues.” – Nina Morita, grade 1 teacher

4 Scheduling Class Meetings and Buddies
2-3 Team Builders or Class Meetings per week for first 5 weeks (15-20 minutes each) Daily check-ins starting in Week 3 (5-10 minutes each) Substantive Class meeting preferably every week, at least every other week, starting in Week 8 (20-30 minutes each) Cross-Age Buddies Buddies 1-2x/month (~1 hour with 15 minute preparation and reflection) SLIDE: Scheduling CSC 5-7 minutes Let teachers that we are carving out time today to figure out how Class Meetings and Buddies can best fit in their schedules. Remind them that Homeside should also happen once a month but we won’t be focusing on that today. Let them know that the following are pieces for which they need to find time.

5 Current Plan Suggestions from CSC Leadership Team Other considerations
SLIDE: Current Plan 5 minutes Share any decisions you or the CSC Leadership Team have made about when various aspects of CSC will happen. Ask what other considerations might be taken into account when scheduling class meetings and buddies activities. Have participants think about this with a partner then discuss as whole group.

6 Scheduling Considerations
When do you have your whole class? When are students pulled for other support? When could CSC be most useful? SLIDE: Scheduling Considerations 1 minute Let teachers know that you’ll be giving them time to think about how CSC best fits in their schedule. Read the slide and let them know these questions might help drive their decisions.

7 Scheduling CSC With a partner, decide when is best for:
Weekly Class Meeting (20-30 minutes) Daily Check-In Meetings (5-10 minutes) Monthly or Bi-Monthly for Cross-Age Buddies (~1 hour with 15 minute preparation and reflection) Create Draft Plan to share w/CSC Leadership Team Slide: Class Schedule 8-10 minutes If there are teachers who have successfully incorporated and regularly held class meetings, ask them to share how they scheduled them. Have teachers work in pairs to place CSC in their own schedules. They can move around the room to talk with grade level partners and Cross-Age Buddies partners. Let them know that the CSC Leadership Team will be collecting these to help support their implementation. When most seem to have had time to discuss, have a few share out. Ask teachers to turn their plan into CSC Leadership Team.

8 How can we support each other in making time for CSC?
Reflection How can we support each other in making time for CSC? SLIDE: Reflection 5-7 minutes Ask the question on the slide. Have teachers turn to a partner and discuss. Have a few share.

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