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Breathing New Life Into Your Customers

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1 Breathing New Life Into Your Customers
A new approach to marketing life insurance I want to thank you all for attending today. Designed to make your sales job even easier, you’ll find that the process and tools we put together for you will help you reach customers faster, cheaper and ultimately simplify the life sales process.

2 Why People Buy Insurance
They have needs. Before we get into the program, I thought it’d be a good idea to explain the research we gathered to help build this program. Here you see a recent study from LIMRA International, looking at why customers buy insurance. Not really surprising, you’ll see the four main reasons for purchasing life insurance includes, Income replacement, Final Expenses, paying off the mortgage and ultimately transferring wealth to family members. What I would ask each of you is when you do talk with your customers, how many times do one of these topics come up and have you mentioned life insurance to them? Ultimately, what I want you to get out of this slide is <CLICK> Your customers have needs that may or may not be met. Finding ways to meet these needs without adding a lot of extra work on your part is going to be key to growing your business. Source: LIMRA International

3 Why Don’t They Buy? You have solutions.
So, what stops a customer from purchasing life insurance? Well, according to LIMRA, they think they can’t afford it, they can’t decide on the amount, they haven’t gotten around to it or are worried about making the wrong decisions… There is so much uncertainty in the client’s mind that is hard for them to make a decision. What you want to get out of this is that <CLICK> you have solutions to help the customer work through the uncertainty, ultimately helping you strengthen your relationship with your clients. Source: LIMRA International

4 You should have the key to dominate this market…
You should have the key to dominate the life marketplace because you offer something the competition doesn’t and that’s your relationship with your customers. The value added touches or services you bring really are game changers in the industry. If you’re not offering life insurance or you haven’t really grown your customer base, you need to ask yourself, <CLICK> what’s stopping you? What is stopping you?

5 Objections to Selling Life Insurance
Life insurance sale too complicated It is too difficult to get someone to understand the need and then act Could possibly lose credibility if sale goes bad We asked that same question to a group of producers, much like you and here were the three main objections we heard. First, the life insurance sale too complicated There are so many different things you need to think about when you’re ready to sell, it is no wonder why you may find it somewhat challenging…things like how am I going to find interested clients, what is the right product, what is the right face amount, what underwriting questions am I going to have to ask? There are so many different things that you may feel you need to know, even though you may want to grow your sales it just isn’t worth the time. Finding ways to de-clutter the sales process really will help you get a strong foothold into this market. Secondly, it can be too difficult to get someone to understand the need and then act. As a whole, I think this industry has done a great job of helping customers understand that they need some sort of life insurance. Unfortunately, where that education stops is when it comes time to personalize the need. When a customer understands what his or her family’s individual need is, price becomes much less of a hurdle. The challenge is getting the customer to this point. Finally, if somewhere in the sales process, something breaks down, there is always the possibility that you could lose credibility. If that happens, you may not only lose the sale but you may also lose the customer. Finding ways to work past the client’s hesitation purchasing life insurance as well as overcoming any objections you may have to sell life insurance is what this program is all about.

6 Life Sales Process Prospect Respond Recommend Submit Issue Refer
We built you a six step process that will simplify the sales process and provide you tools that help you achieve each step as well as help you transition to the next one smoothly. Following this process you will find 1. your customers are more likely become life insurance advocates and come back to you asking for help as opposed to you trying to sell the need. 2. you do not need to be a life insurance expert to help your clients because you have best in class tools and support to help you choose the right solutions for your client’s individual need 3. you will lay the groundwork for a lifelong client because unlike other sales processes you’re really just an advisor offering recommendations for your customers to choose from Ultimately, you’ll find that through this process you’ll be able to work smarter, better and faster than before. With that, let’s walk through the program and the tools included in each step.

7 Prospect Life Sales Process Needs Based Stories
Consumer fillable fact finder Prospect The first step, Prospect, is designed to help you identify existing customers or even new ones in a very passive non-salesy approach. You can do this in two ways… <CLICK> The first is by ing needs based stories out to your clients. Mutual of Omaha offers you a variety of customer approved needs based scenarios that help clients see what could happen to their family if not properly protected. Topics for these pieces range from income protection, immediate cash needs, college education funding, mortgage protection or even simple policy reviews. Let’s get a closer look at one of these pieces available.

8 As you see, the flyer is testimonial driven from the perspective of the customer, offering a life event trigger and how the customer’s agent helped solve the need with life insurance. These stories are not product specific other than to talk about Term insurance or Universal life in general, they are not focused on just Mutual’s life product line. <CLICK> In addition, you’ll see that these pieces can be personalized with your information, so once the piece does spark some interest, the client has everything he or she needs to contact you for more information.

9 Sample Email to Customer
As I said, this is a very passive relationship building approach that is very cost effective. Typically, we recommend personalizing the piece, attaching it in an with a simple message to your customers. Here is an example of one such message…. <Click> You’ll see all the producer is doing is just starting the conversation and ending it with “Take a look and if you have any questions or want to discuss any options, I’d be happy to sit down and talk with you.” That’s it. Letting your clients make the decision on their own is going to help you gain more equity with your client than just forcing this upon them, even if nothing comes from the piece.

10 Prospect Life Sales Process Needs Based Stories
Consumer fillable fact finder Prospect Now, as I said earlier, there is another option for you to identify interested customers and that is to a fillable factfinder to potential customers. <CLICK> Shown here, this fillable factfinder does an excellent job of addressing the overall need for life insurance, but goes one step deeper by helping the customer personlize his or her need, turning that customer into an advocate for life insurance and empowering them to contact you to get more information. Let’s take a closer look at the form.

11 Shown here is the top half of the first page
Shown here is the top half of the first page. This introductory letter really just sets the stage for the overall need for life insurance. You’ll see that it can be personalized with your contact information, so the customer knows how to reach you. <CLICK> At the bottom of the page, you’ll see the client can fill in his or her contact information and best times to reach them, giving you the information you need to respond accordingly.

12 Now, the power of this piece really comes to play when you move to page two. This is the introduction to the actual fact finder, Life Insurance For Living: A new way to think about life insurance.

13 You’ll see this factfinder lays out the four basic needs of life insurance including,
Income protection, mortgage protection, immediate cash needs <CLICK> and building a college education fund. With just a few short questions, the client will have a much better perspective on his or her family’s life insurance shortfall. Let’s walk through an example to show you how easy it is for the client to fill out.

14 Client Scenario Dale Married Two children (7 and 9)
Primary income earner Wife consults on the side Mortgage - $233,000 Has $550,000 of existing life life insurance coverage In our scenario we have Dale. He’s married, has two children (one seven and one nine). He is the primary income earner for the household, although his wife does do some consultation here and there. They currently live in Nebraska and the remaining amount on their mortgage is roughly around $233,000 Dale’s agent sent him this fact finder and, while dale feels confident with his $550,000 of existing life insurance through work and a small term policy, curiosity got the best of him and he decided to fill it out.

15 2,500 233,000 500 2,000 304,313 5,000 15,000 Starting in the income continuation section, <CLICK> Dale first enters his family’s desired monthly income, knowing that mortgage, education fund and all other expenses will be taken care of. Now, his wife does do some consultation work, so in question 2, <CLICK> Dale enters the average income his wife brings in monthly, which is $500. You’ll see that instead of Dale having to calculate the income to be replaced, the form does it automatically. Now on question 4, Dale figured that he’d want his family protected for 20 years and using the chart at the bottom, <CLICK> Dale figured he’d need 304,313 dollars to maintain the desired monthly income. <CLICK> Once Dale inputs that into question 4, the total need for income continuation appears at the bottom. <CLICK> Onto the mortgage fund, Dale simply enters in his remaining mortgage balance. Now in step three he is going to identify immediate cash needs. <Click> First he enters the amount his family would need to have to pay off personal debts, like credit cards, car loans or past tuition. <CLICK> He then calculates an emergency reserve fund. Using the six month rule he took the desired monthly income and multiplied it by six. <CLICK> Last he inputs his final expenses like taxes, probate and funeral costs. Since he doesn’t know off the top of his head what 4% of his estate is, he’s just going to put in $15,000. Again you’ll see that the total immediate cash need is automatically calculated for him. In less than three minutes, he’s identified three of the four basic needs for life insurance. 15,000 35,000 304,313

16 304,313 233,000 35,000 213,518 785,831 572,313 550,000 Moving to the last page, you’ll see here that the totals from the previous page automatically carry over so Dale doesn’t have to input that. Moving to the final area of need, college education, he considers that his children (7 and 9) will be both going off to college in about 10 years and <CLICK> since he is a university of Missouri alumni, he’s going to use the Annual Survey of College’s total cost if it were to be spent in 10 years. Now the total education fund need is doubled since he has two children so he inputs <CLICK> $213,518. Again that total is auto populated into the right section as well. Looking over at the total amount of life insurance needed on the right, you’ll see his overall total is over 780,000. <CLICK> He inputs his existing $550,000 of coverage leaving him with a deficit of $235,831 shown at the bottom. <CLICK> THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT YOUR CLIENTS TO GET TO. By calculating this out, Dale now knows he has a significant gap in his coverage and will be empowered to contact his agent for solutions. <CLICK> Dale inputs what he thinks he can afford and then contacts his agent. 235,831 213,518 80.00

17 Respond Life Sales Process Respond with timeline for recommendations
Consumer fact finder Recommendations Respond Needs based flyer sent Send consumer fact finder Option 1: Consumer fact finder sent Respond with timeline for recommendations Option 2: Now, into step two (RESPOND) here are some suggestions we have on how to respond when the potential customer contacts you with more information. <CLICK> If you started with the needs based flyer, then send the consumer fact finder out. Get the customer to understand what his or her individual life insurance need is. <CLICK> If you started with the fact finder, then respond with a timeline for recommendations. Remind them that you’ll come up with some objective options for you two to discuss. At this time it is probably a good idea to ask some basic questions like age, tobacco status, how many children they have and what their date of birth is.

18 Recommend Life Sales Process Options should be:
Provide a couple options (3 recommended) Should be based off of info from fact finder Recommend Options should be: Based on client response Ready before meeting Reasons for options should be identified Once you gather that informaiton it is now time to come up with recommendations. <CLICK> First, we recommend that you have at least two if not three options available for your client to choose from. Second, they should be based on the client response and make sure you’re ready before the meeting with the reasons why these options should be used. <CLICK> Other suggestions include having a product highlight sheet and an illustration for the customer to take with them, maybe review any carrier product training pieces available and finally have a recommendation worksheet with all the information on the options available for you to refer from. Other tools you should have: Product highlight sheets Review product highlight brainsharks Recommendation Worksheet completed prior to meeting

19 In it for life. In it for you.
Company Strength Support Underwriting Product Price Having said that, I should point out that Mutual of Omaha does offer a competitive life package including a competitve price, unique product niches, real world underwriting, innovative support and a strong company strength. Let’s take a few moments and look at what competitive advantages Mutual offers.

20 Financial Strength Trusted Mutual company since 1909
Success built on vision and performance Consistently high industry ratings: A.M. Best Company A+ (Superior) Moody’s Investor Services Aa3 (Excellent) Standard and Poor’s A+ (Strong) In 2009, we celebrated our 100th anniversary at Mutual of Omaha, finishing the year in the strongest financial position in the history of the companies. Our strong financial position can also be seen in our company ratings. A.M. Best Company A+ (Superior) Moody’s Investor Services Aa3 (Excellent) Standard and Poor’s A+(Strong) Comdex Score: Mutual of Omaha’s strength was also recently recognized by Fortune as we jumped from 525 to 408 in the Fortune 500. *As of June 2011

21 Term Life Express (TLE)
Complete portfolio of 15, 20 and 30 year products Simplified issue up to $400,000 No Blood, No Urine, No Paramed Four riders/provisions included with policy Residential Damage Waiver of Premium Rider Unemployment Waiver of Premium Rider Accelerated Death Benefit Provision Common Carrier Death Benefit Provision Available on the iGO e-AppSM 5-day issue for ‘clean’ applications When you combine the TLE’s simplified issue advantage up to $400,000 face with its complete product portfolio and iGO e-app availability, it is clear to see that this product can be hassle free for your clients.

22 Term Life AnswersSM Guaranteed Level Term
Competitive rates; ages Great smoker rates Liberal conversion opportunities Available on iGO e-AppSM & Speed eTicketSM platforms Commissions on policy fees for face amounts under $250,000. Other Insured Rider Qualifies for the Fit Underwriting Credit Program Term Life Answers offers competitive rates on an Age Last Birthday basis. Ages 40 – 60 in the Preferred and Standard risk classes are most competitive and we have great smoker rates as well. TLA has very liberal conversion opportunities: The 10, 15 & 20 –year policies may be converted any time up to age 75, and Term Life 30 is convertible in the first 20 years. The policy fee is commissionable face amounts under $500,000. A unique feature to our Term Life Answers portfolio is the Other Insured Rider. The premium, term duration, issue limits and great conversion privileges are the same as the base policy, with no additional policy fee. And unlike most carriers that limit their underwriting programs to permanent products, Term Life Answers qualifies for our Fit underwriting Credit Program.

23 Fit Credit Program Applies to all fully underwritten TERM & UNIVERSAL life products Three characteristics = 1 Table Credit Five characteristics = 2 Table Credits The best case final offer is Standard Great for build & Diabetes clientele 12 Lifestyle and medical credits apply The Fit underwriting Credit program can help your clients move from a Table 2 to Standard, A Table 3 to Table 1 or a Table 4 to Table 2, on your fully underwritten term and universal products. With 13 lifestyle and medical credits to choose from, your clients will find it very easy to qualify.

24 Guarantee Universal Life (GUL) Secondary Guarantee Universal Life
Competitive lifetime level premiums Preferred NT, Standard NT, and Standard Tobacco Ages 50 – 70 $500,000 and $1,000,000 bands Competitive dial down guarantees Qualifies for the Fit Credit Program Accelerated death benefit for terminal and chronic illness rider Guaranteed Universal Life offers secondary guarantees with Flexible Premiums. We are most competitive in the Preferred & Standard non-tobacco and Standard Tobacco risk classes, ages 50 – 70 in the $500,000 and $1,000,000 bands. GUL illustrates extremely well when guarantees are dialed down as well as lifetime level-pay scenarios. In addition to a traditional Accelerated death benefit for terminal illness, GUL includes a no cost Chronic illness rider. This rider defines Chronic Illness as the inability to perform at least 2 Activities of Daily Living; and confined to a Nursing Home for 90 consecutive days or more. (Cumulative maximum amount is lesser of $250,000 or Specified Amount of Insurance) GUL qualifies for the Fit Credit Program, offers dial a guarantee from 20 years to age 120, and includes a Catch up Feature which can extend Policy’s No-Lapse Guarantee, or re-establish the Guarantee is lost due to less than planned premiums. (If the no-lapse guarantee has lapsed and the insured wishes to extend it, they will have 3 months to do so. Otherwise the no-lapse guarantee is lost and cannot be re-instated.) (Info in case they ask: ADB – max = $250,000, 12 mo life expectancy, Accelerated death benefit amount will be 94% of the amount requested, $100 charge for acceleration after discount factor, only one acceleration available due to terminal illness, Remaining portion of death benefit not accelerated will remain in force and be paid to beneficiary)

25 Guarantee Universal Life (GUL) Secondary Guarantee Universal Life
Why Dial Down? Guarantee their premium for a period closer to their actual life expectancy Offer competitive premiums, Especially at ages 45-75, Standard and preferred user rate classes Dialed down to ages 90, 95, and 100 $500k, and $1m face amount bands According to the CDC, the average life expectancy for an American is 77.9 years. Dialing down the guaranteed period to align closer with your client’s actual life expectancy can save them thousands. GUL is extremely competitive when dialing back the guarantee for clients issue ages 45 – 75, in the Preferred & Standard rate classes. <CLICK> Combined with Mutual of Omaha’s Age Last Birthday advantage, the dial down guarantee scenario can prove to be a powerful combination. Let’s take a look at how GUL stacks up against the competition in a variety of dial down scenarios. Age Last Birthday Company As of May 23, 2011 these premiums are current and accurate to the best of our knowledge. 25

26 Submit Life Sales Process Term Life Answers
iGO e-app & Speed eTicket Fillable Application (UL Option) Submit Term Life Express Term Life Answers Term Life Answers Once the option has been chosen, it now comes to submitting the application and if you chose Mutual of Omaha, you’ll find we have some very simple tools to walk you through the process. <CLICK> First, if you chose a term life express or term life answers you can use the iGO e-app solution where you can fill out the application electronically, the application to your client, they digitally sign it and send it back to you to be sent to us. Simple as that. <CLICK> If you chose term life answers, you have an even simpler option available called the Speed eticket. With this solution, you fill out the basic information for the client and then let a third party vendor EMSI actually fill out the application, leaving you more time to go to the next customer. <CLICK> Finally, if you chose a universal life product or don’t like the e-app solutions, all our applications are fillable. Fillable application available for all products

27 Issue Life Sales Process
Monitor Case Status Online Issue Once the case is submitted, you can rely on Amerilife to help get the case through underwriting and issued. They have a crack team of specialists available to help you with every case you have. Should you want to check status online or it is after hours, you can always access a pending case report from mutual of omaha’s producer website,

28 Refer Life Sales Process Ask for referrals
Suggest send the fact finder to friends Refer Once the case is approved and you’re ready to deliver on the promise you made when you took the application, it is now time to turn that customer into a referral <CLICK> and the best way to do that is by asking them to send the factfinder to their family and friends. If that was the thing that turned the tide for the customer, why would they not want to share it with their loved ones?

29 Prospect Respond Recommend Submit Issue Refer
Life Sales Process Needs Based Stories Consumer fillable Fact finder Prospect Consumer fact finder Recommendations Respond Provide a couple options (3 recommended) Should be based off of info from fact finder Recommend iGO e-app & Speed eTicket Fillable Application (UL Option) Submit Monitor Case Status Online Issue Ask for referrals Suggest send the fact finder to friends Refer And that’s it. Six simple steps with tools to walk you through every portion of it. Ultimately, if you use this program you’ll find that you’ll be able to work smarter, better and faster than before. With that, I’d like to open it up for questions.

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