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Fig. 4. Primary human metastatic melanomas contain CCL21-expressing LECs, and expression of VEGFC positively correlates with hallmarks of tumor inflammation.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 4. Primary human metastatic melanomas contain CCL21-expressing LECs, and expression of VEGFC positively correlates with hallmarks of tumor inflammation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 4. Primary human metastatic melanomas contain CCL21-expressing LECs, and expression of VEGFC positively correlates with hallmarks of tumor inflammation. Primary human metastatic melanomas contain CCL21-expressing LECs, and expression of VEGFC positively correlates with hallmarks of tumor inflammation. (A) Representative image of a human primary melanoma immunostained for LVs (green, podoplanin; blue, DAPI). Scale bars, 500 μm (left) and 200 μm (right). (B) Quantification of LV density in tumor (n = 14) and, when present, neighboring skin (n = 7) of primary melanoma tumor sections stratifying patients with elevated intratumor LV density (closed circles), indicating tumor lymphangiogenesis, from those without (open circles). (C) Representative image of a lymphangiogenic melanoma immunostained for VEGF-C (brown). Scale bar, 100 μm. (D) Representative image of an intratumoral LV (podoplanin, green) expressing CCL21 (red). Blue, nuclei (DAPI). Scale bar, 10 μm. (E and F) Correlations of gene expression data of human primary cutaneous metastatic melanoma patients from TCGA. (E) Heat map showing correlation between the expression of 30 genes indicative of T cell inflammation versus VEGFC, FIGF (VEGFD), and VEGFA. Colors indicate minimum and maximum r values using nonparametric Spearman’s test. (F) Dot plots of genes of interest (n = 103) shown with linear regression correlations using nonparametric Spearman’s test. Manuel Fankhauser et al., Sci Transl Med 2017;9:eaal4712 Published by AAAS

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