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High School Differences

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1 High School Differences

2 Team Officials Phones and radios allowed
Communication devices on sideline only Can be cautioned for unsporting behavior or bench misconduct Cautioned for player illegally equipped.  If subsequent illegal equipment infraction, player is cautioned

3 Referee Uniform & Equipment
Same Color Jersey  Not in conflict with either team  Crew may wear green, red, yellow, blue or black 3-stripe and 2-stripe socks are approved Referee communication devices are permitted Hat and long trousers are allowed

4 Referee Signals/Decision
Windup signal for starting a match or starting of the second half Signal to stop the clock (arms crossed) Windup signal to start the clock after stopping the clock Make decision on throw-in versus drop ball No whistle required for drop ball

5 SCSOA Differences 2 Referee System - Trail referee responsible for whistle on restart SCSOA strongly suggests whistle be blown when a goal is scored Concussion (possible head or neck injury) – shall not return to play on that same date of competition If player is removed from the field due to a POSSIBLE HEAD/NECK or other serious injury, referee must complete an Incident Report with CIF within 24 hours

6 SCSOA Guidelines and Point of Emphasis – Team Areas
Rule 1-5-1; There shall be marked areas for each team’s bench, separated by an official area for entering substitutes, scorers and timers. When teams are placed on opposite sides of the field each team shall be placed diagonally across from each other. Teams place behind the Assistant Referee or Dual Official

7 Referee Authority/AD Prior to start, AD is in charge. After start, Referee in charge Referee’s authority begins at the time of their arrival at the field of play and its immediate surroundings and ends when officials leave the field and immediate surroundings

8 Pregame/Coin Toss/Kickoff
Pregame conference – Head coach must attend with captain(s). Review sportsmanship, players properly equipped.  Winner of the coin toss gets to choose side or ball NFHS and USSF are now aligned on kickoff  (go any direction) with one attacker allowed to stand on the defenders half of the field

9 Game Duration Two (2) 40-minute periods (Varsity)
Two (2) 35-min periods (JV & Frosh/Soph) We STOP CLOCK for the following: Goal Scored Calling of a Penalty Kick Cautions; Yellow cards Disqualifications; Red Cards Injury or other reason

10 Game Duration Timekeeper instructed to stop clock for last two minutes of each period​. Know League Overtime Rules​

11 Ball/Goal Posts Ball has NFHS logo
Home team provides at least two (2) ball handlers Goal posts may be padded

12 Roster/Players/Players Equipment
Completed roster presented by coach or player 5 minutes prior to the start of the match First and Last Names and Numbers of all players and substitutes First and Last Names of all bench personnel and all coaches Names may be added to the roster after start of play Goal keepers may have two numbers one as Keeper and one as player Goalkeeper’s pants can have additions of numbers, names, patches and emblems of school logos

13 Roster/Players/Players Equipment
Visiting team jersey and socks must be solid white (Varsity Only) Shin guards NOCSAE approved 6” number on back of jersey including GK, 4” in front GK socks are not required to be the same color as teammates, but shall differ in color from opponent’s socks

14 Roster/Players/Players Equipment
Hard casts or splints must be padded with closed cell foam at least ½” thick Facemask must have medical release signed by physician  Soft padded headgear may be worn that meets ASTM standards

15 Illegally Equipped Examples: Jewelry, no shinguards
Caution coach (1st incident) Instructed to leave the field when the ball ceases to be in play or may stop play if dangerous May re-enter at next legal substitution opportunity Second illegally equipped player, caution the player

16 Improperly Equipped Example knee brace becomes dislodged or shinguard falls out Do not caution Instructed to leave the field when ball ceases to be in play May re-enter on the next dead ball or stoppage in play

17 Substitution Opportunity (Report Before Entering)
Goal kick (either team) Throw-in (Team in possession, Reciprocal)  Corner kick (Team in possession, Reciprocal) Bench Misconduct Coach to notify Referee or AR prior to these substitutions. This is to prevent teams from delaying. 

18 Substitution Opportunity (From the Bench)
After a Goal is Scored Injury (may return next stoppage in play) Caution (player shall leave the field, can return next substitution opportunity) Red Card or Disqualification

19 Substitution Opportunities (more)
Teams may substitute at the beginning of each period without notifying the referee. Arriving late and playing short player safety check  ensuring name is on the roster  enter next stoppage in play

20 Substitutions SCSOA – Players leaving the field must leave on their team’s side anywhere along the touchline.  Substitutes must enter at mid-field and only when beckoned by the referee 

21 Must Leave the Field NFHS and USSF are now aligned if a stoppage occurs as a result of misconduct by the attacker against a GK and the GK is then recognized as being injured, the GK can stay in the game.  If play stopped for GK injury first then misconduct, GK must leave the field Caution Disqualified If the referee stops the clock for an apparent injury to a field player or goal keeper, the field player or goal keeper will have to leave the field. SCOSA – The referee should not signal for a clock stoppage until he/she has had an opportunity to assess the injury and signal for a clock stoppage, If player needs attending to including GK, the player must leave the field

22 Drop Ball or IFK Restart for an injury or other stoppage not included in the rules If one team has clear possession, indirect free kick Otherwise drop ball Drop ball must be between opposing players Goal can be scored directly from a drop ball

23 Throw-in If throw-in does not enter the field of play
Opponent takes throw-in from the spot of the infraction Which is where the original throw-in was taken

24 Offside NFHS and USSF are now in alignment as to offside including recognition of defender deliberately playing the ball which goes to an attacker who was in an offside position.  No offside IFK is taken from the spot where the player  Interfered with play Interfered with an opponent Gained an advantage

25 Fouls and Misconduct An IFK foul (Dangerous Play) can be called against another player (opponent or TEAMMATE). Caution and Disqualification Coach can be cautioned Taunting is a red card and disqualification Cautioned player must leave the field including goal keeper.  Team can play short.  Cannot re-enter until next legal substitution opportunity

26 Fouls and Misconduct Keeper cannot be charged in his Penalty Area unless the keeper is dribbling the ball with his feet or obstructing Team does not play short if player on field from the 1st half is ejected during half-time interval If Referee indicates the restart is an IFK but does not signal with a raised arm and the ball is kicked directly into the goal, restart Goal Kick (5.3.2-Situation E)

27 DOGSO Denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity
Goal scored – Yellow card Goal not scored – If attempted to play the ball and a PK is awarded – Yellow Card No attempt to play the ball or foul occurs outside the penalty area – Red Card

28 Penalty Kick (Updated)
NFHS and USSF are now aligned in permitting an attacker to use a stutter step or hesitation move provided there is no stopping and there is continuous movement toward the ball. Rule Situation B:  A2, taking a penalty kick, approaches the ball and then stops abruptly. He/she then kicks the ball and scores; Answer Retake the kick He/she kicks the ball over the goal; restart with Goal Kick He/she kicks the ball and it rebounds from the goalkeeper; restart with IFK He/she kicks the ball and it is saved and held by the goalkeeper; no whistle play continues He/she kicks the ball and its deflected over the goal by the goal keeper; restart with IFK

29 Penalty Kicks/Tie Breaking
No reduce to equate in HS Can restart players taking kicks after the second group of 5 has completed kicks 10th player taking the kick can be the 11th player taking the kick Any player on the roster may take part

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