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Bellringer: Questions 1 – 7 page 47 Questions on Study Guide?

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1 Bellringer: Questions 1 – 7 page 47 Questions on Study Guide?
12 October 2016 Bellringer: Questions 1 – 7 page 47 Questions on Study Guide? Review Game HW: Chapter 2 Test Tomorrow!

2 Early Man Bluff Review Game
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

3 They were the last species to live on earth with Homo Sapiens.

4 Before we farmed, all homo sapiens were this.

5 This means you have more than what you need.

6 This is the main theory historians believe allowed early humans to migrate around the world.

7 This is another name for humans.

8 Name means “southern ape.”

9 Name means “handy man.”

10 Name means “Upright man.”

11 Name means “Wise man.”

12 This is the process of changing plants and animals to make them more useful to humans.

13 Once people had a stable food supply, this is what they were able to do.

14 This is how early people used domesticated animals (at least 3 purposes)

15 What is history before the invention of writing?

16 This is a handheld object that makes it easier to accomplish a task.

17 Which came first…. Farming or hunting and gathering?

18 Neanderthal/Homo Sapien? Squat body to retain heat.

19 Neanderthal/Homo Sapien? Was able to create fire.

20 Neanderthal/Homo Sapien? Ate a lot of meat and protein.

21 Neanderthal/Homo Sapien? Migrated to all continents except Antarctica.

22 By 9000 BC, people lived on all continents except _________?

23 What effect did the Ice Age have on early humans?

24 Name a way that Neanderthals adapted to the Ice Age.


26 A long period of freezing that lasted until about 10,000 years ago.

27 Early man used a __________ to get to North America

28 This hominid had a fully developed language.

29 This hominid appeared in Africa about 4 – 5 million years ago.

30 This is a community of people who share a common culture.

31 Explain the 3 steps of human’s progression into culture.

32 Name two things that Neanderthals have in common with Homo Sapiens.

33 Name at least two ways Neanderthals are different from Homo Sapiens.

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