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Week Four: Pride & Prejudice

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2 Week Four: Pride & Prejudice

3 Prejudice – a pre-conceived judgment, opinion, or generalization, usually negative
Several factors/components Pride – The sense that you are superior to others because of: Heritage/Ethnicity/Family name Skin color Religion Intellect Political view Lifestyle Economic/career status Organizational/Institutional

4 Prejudice 2. FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real
Fear of people we don’t understand A rush to protect or defend ourselves before all the facts are in Jonah drew the wrong conclusion, from his past experiences We FILTER the evidence through our pre-existing loyalties to long held beliefs and relationships Failing to consider ALL the evidence due to being blinded by the PRIDE factors Jonah was God’s chosen prophet, from God’s chosen people – The Assyrians were a despicable, pagan, violent, people who had previously subjugated Israel and brutally slaughtered many (Who are the modern Assyrians?)

5 Prejudice 3. Rebellion – Our prejudice is at odds with God’s will
God’s heart is for redemption, reconciliation, mercy, forgiveness and grace Our human heart tends toward: selfishness, revenge, punishment, “fairness”, “justice”, vindication Jonah thought the Ninevites did not deserve God’s mercy. What he had to learn from the gourd is, NEITHER DID HE!

6 Prejudice 3. Rebellion – Our prejudice is at odds with God’s will We see this in the New Testament with Peter and the Jewish Christians in their dealings with the Gentiles

7 What does prejudice look like in your life?


9 Every day God gives us another chance to resist Prejudice
Repent Be proactive - intentional LISTEN - to the voice of God rather than the voice of prejudice OBEY - when you hear God telling you to go to them with His love and extended mercy

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