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TitLE IV Overview
Title IV, Canon 1: By virtue of our Baptismal Covenant, all members of the Church are called to holiness of life and accountability to one another The Church and each Diocese shall support their members in their life in Christ and seek to resolve conflicts by promoting healing, repentence, forgiveness, restitution, justice, amendment of life and reconciliation among all involved or affected This Title of accountability and ecclesiastical discipline applies to Members of the Clergy, who have by their vows at ordination accepted additional responsibilities and accountabilities for doctrine, discipline, worship and obedience
People Involved Complainant (May or may not be injured person)
Respondent Advisors appointed for Complainant/Respondent Witnesses from the community Bishop Intake Officer Church Attorney Investigator Disciplinary Board President and members Provincial Court of Review
What are we talking about
A Member of the Clergy is accountable for any “material” Knowing violation of C & C of Diocese or Church Failing without good cause to cooperate in any proceeding under Title IV Intentionally or maliciously bringing false accusation or evidence in any Title IV proceeding Breach of the Standards of Conduct of Canon 4.
Standards of Conduct – clergy must
Preserve confidences except as disclosure required by moral or pastoral requirements or state law Conform to the Rubrics of the BCP Abide by ordination promises and vows Abide by requirements of Accord or Order, Pastoral Direction, Restriction on Ministry or placement on Administrative Leave Safeguard property and funds of the Church Report all matters which may constitute a material Offense, except as disclosed through Rite of Reconciliation of a Penitent Exercise his or her ministry in accordance with C & C of the Church and Diocese, ecclesiastical licensure or commission, and Community rules or bylaws.
Standards of Conduct – clergy must not
Sexual Misconduct Sexual Abuse or Sexual Behavior with: (a) employee, volunteer, student or counselee ( b ) in the same congregation, ( c ) with whom Clergy person has a Pastoral Relationship Holding or teaching contrary doctrine Secular employment without consent of Bishop Two year absence from Diocese without consent of Bishop Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy To be actionable, the conduct complained of must be material and substantial or of clear and weighty importance to the ministry of the Church
Intake Officer Consider whether or not information, taken as true, constitutes an Offense It it does not, or is “immaterial” and Bishop agrees, issue dismissal. Complainant may appeal dismissal to President of DB Consult Bishop for Pastoral Response and appointment of Advisors Consult Bishop concerning interim responses: Pastoral Direction Administrative Leave or Restriction on Ministry Possible Agreement for Discipline
Reference Panel – Bishop, Intake Officer, President of the Disciplinary Board
Conference to consider Intake Report Consider alleged misconduct and materiality OPTIONS: Dismiss, refer for further investigation, refer to conciliation, refer to Bishop for pastoral handling or Agreement for Discipline, or refer to Conference Panel (with Church Attorney to prepare written statement and notice) Decisions by majority vote of Panel
Conference Panel – Members of the Disciplinary Board
Conference is convened and guided by President of the Conference Panel Informal and conversational, no record kept No sworn testimony or cross examination Stories told, clarifying questions allowed Illuminate versions of what happened Focus on trying to agree on what should happen, guided by Title IV values
Conference Panel (continued)
President may call for separate caucuses Similar to mediation process If agreement reached, prepare Accord If no agreement, confer and prepare an Order Options for Accord or Order: dismissal (with reasons), referral to Conciliation, referral to Hearing Panel, issue an Order (Canon IV.14) Respondent or Church Attorney may refuse an Order, becomes an appeal to Hearing Panel
Hearing Panel Trial-like: public proceeding, sworn testimony and cross-examination, orally or as approved by Panel (e.g., video or transcript of deposition) President regulates proceeding to promote full disclosure of facts and to preserve the integrity of the hearing Open to public unless closed to protect vulnerable witness Respondent and Complainant and Advisors are entitled to be present throughout hearing Panel is sole arbiter of weight, credibility and reliability of testimony and other evidence On the record
Hearing Panel - continued
Privately confer after closing hearing Options: Dismiss (must give reasons and may include exoneration) Issue an Order other than Dismissal, which goes to the Bishop for further action Can be appealed to the Provincial Court of Review
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