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To cognize is to categorize:

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Presentation on theme: "To cognize is to categorize:"— Presentation transcript:

1 To cognize is to categorize:
from the ‘blooming, buzzing confusion’ to the ‘cognitive commons’ Stevan Harnad Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Science Université du Québec à Montréal & Professor of Web Science University of Southampton ISKO July

2 From Glossogony to Google or From Communication to the Cognitive Commons

3 What is Categorization?
Doing the right thing with the right KIND of thing ISKO July

4 ISKO July

5 Categorical Perception (CP)

6 Texture category learning: ERP Studies

7 Learned Categorical Perception (CP)
Pevtzow, R. & Harnad, S. (1997) ISKO July

8 ISKO July

9 Prior neural net studies
Tijsseling & Harnad (1997) ISKO July

10 Hearsay: A New Way To Acquire Categories
Cangelosi & Harnad (2002) ISKO July

Acquiring categories by theft (instruction) vs toil (instruction): The birth of the Category Commons “TOADSTOOL” = “MUSHROOM” + “STRIPES” ISKO July

12 Acquiring categories by theft (instruction) vs toil (instruction): Category theft is a victimless crime ISKO July

13 Chinese-Chinese Dictionary & the symbol grounding problem

14 Nets in our heads: The mental lexicon

15 Toy dictionary represented as graph
ISKO July 15

16 Some words are not used in any definition.
ISKO July 16

17 They can be removed ISKO July 17

18 ISKO July 18

19 This process is recursive.
ISKO July 19

20 ISKO July 20

21 Till no other word can be removed
ISKO July 21

22 “Grounding Kernel” (GK) of dictionary
Resulting subgraph is “Grounding Kernel” (GK) of dictionary ISKO July 22

23 ISKO July 23

24 Summary for compressed real dictionary
500 words + Boole ISKO July 24

25 Our Cognitive Commons ISKO July

26 Our Category Commons ISKO July

27 Thank You ISKO July

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