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What is Nano Technology

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Presentation on theme: "What is Nano Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Nano Technology
? so what is NT? 11/24/2018 md saif ahmed 1

2 What is Nanoscale? 11/24/2018 md saif ahmed

3 Intro to Nano materials
Carbon Nano-Tubes Titanium dioxide (TiO2) 11/24/2018 md saif ahmed

4 NANO- TECHNOLOGY AND CONCRETE Use of Nano silica Use of (TiO2)
Use of Carbon nano tubes Particle packing in concrete can be improved by using nano-silica. Improves Mechanical Properties & durability. 11/24/2018 md saif ahmed

Fatigue in steel leads to structural failure. Solution Nano particles reduces the surface unevenness of steel. Use of nano copper to maintain structural integrity above 1007F 11/24/2018 md saif ahmed

Glass is mostly used on the exterior surface, to block UV and Heat. Solution Use Titanium dioxide 11/24/2018 md saif ahmed

7 (i.e. getting molecules to do the work).”
“Ultimately, work on molecular nanotechnology offers the promise that building builds itself (i.e. getting molecules to do the work).” 11/24/2018 md saif ahmed

8 11/24/2018 md saif ahmed

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