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Fanpeng Zhou Linna Zhao Siyuan Zhao 3/19/2018

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Presentation on theme: "Fanpeng Zhou Linna Zhao Siyuan Zhao 3/19/2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fanpeng Zhou Linna Zhao Siyuan Zhao 3/19/2018
Health Care Sector Fanpeng Zhou Linna Zhao Siyuan Zhao /19/2018

2 Sector Overview 13.85% of S&P 500 $3.3 Trillion Total Market Cap
3 Sub-industries: Pharmaceutical, Biotech & Life Science Health Care Equipment Health Care Provider 3/19/2018

3 Sector Overview 3/19/2018

4 Performance Overview 3/19/2018

5 Later in expansion stage of business cycle

6 National Health Expenditure

7 Pricing/Bargaining Power
Industry Analysis Business Model Market Concentration Competition Pricing/Bargaining Power 3/19/2018

8 Business Model 3/19/2018

9 Health Care Ecosystem 3/19/2018

10 Market Concentration 3/19/2018

11 Competition 3/19/2018

12 Pricing/Bargaining Power

13 Portfolio Performance Attribution
 YTD SIM Sector Benchmark Portfolio Weight Sector Return Return Health Care 13.67% 13.85% 2.60% 1.10% Total Portfolio 0.27% Pure Sector Allocation % Within-sector Selection 0.21%

14 Outlook P/E Comparison 3/19/2018

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