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Stages of Mitosis.

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1 Stages of Mitosis

2 Explain the role of cell organelles for both prokaryotic and eukayotic cells, including the cell membrane, in maintaining homeostasis and in cell reproduction SB1.a 2

3 Cell division where 1 diploid parent cell makes 2 identical diploid daughter cells. (for growth and maintenance) Before the cell divides, the chromosomes are replicated into two identical sister chromatids held together by centromeres. Parent cell Sister chromatids Mitosis identical daughter cells 3

4 Chromosomes & Mitosis chromosome – holds the DNA made of chromatin (DNA & protein) Chromosomes come in pairs (2 sets of 23). Cells having 2 pair are diploid (2n). Haploid means 1 set of 23. 4

5 Interphase Chromosomes are copied (# doubles)
Chromosomes appear as threadlike coils (chromatin)at the start, but each chromosome and its copy (sister chromosome) change to sister chromatids at end of this phase Interphase

6 Prophase Mitosis begins (cell begins to divide)
Centrioles (or poles) appear and begin to move to opposite ends of cell Spindle fibers form between the poles Prophase

7 Chromatids (or pairs of chromosomes) attach to the spindle fibers

8 Chromatids (or pairs of chromosomes) separate and begin to move to opposite ends of the cell

9 Telophase Two new nuclei form
Chromosomes appear as chromatin (threads rather than rods) Mitosis ends Telophase

10 Cytokinesis Cell membrane moves inward to create two daughter
cells - each with its own nucleus with identical chromosomes Cytokinesis

11 Mitosis Vid Mitosis 11

12 Who does Mitosis? Somatic cells- body cells that divide for growth or maintenance. (all diploid) Somatic cells do not participate in reproduction 12

13 http://glencoe. mcgraw- hill /student_view0/ unit2/chapter9/section2/self- check_quizzes-english.html Review: Self-Quiz 13

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