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Psalm 42:6-11 ( Tune: Am I A Soldier of the Cross?)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 42:6-11 ( Tune: Am I A Soldier of the Cross?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 42:6-11 ( Tune: Am I A Soldier of the Cross?)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 42B Music: Am I A Soldier, Thomas A. Arne Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. O God my soul’s cast down in me; I thee re-mem-ber will
From Jor-dan land, from Her-mon’s… …height, and ev’n from Mi - zar hill.

3 2. With thun-der of thy wa-ter-falls deep un - to deep doth call;
Thy bil-lows all roll o - ver me; on me thy break-ers fall.

4 3. And yet Je-ho-vah will com-mand his mer-cy in the day;
By night his song shall be with me; to God, my life, I’ll pray.

5 4. To God who is my rock I’ll say, O why for-get me so?
Be-neath op-pres-sion of my foes why do I mourn-ing go?

6 5. As with a sword with-in my bones…
…my en-em-ies up - braid, While un - to me, Where is thy God?, con-tin - ual - ly is said.

7 6. O why, my soul, art thou bowed down?
Why so dis-cour-aged be? Hope now in God! I’ll praise him still! My help, my God is he!

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