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Starting from where we are and asking God to take us

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1 Starting from where we are and asking God to take us
WORSHIP Starting from where we are and asking God to take us to where we need to be

2 Bramwell’s talk yesterday:
Musicians, and music Worship, and worshippers Mary & Martha – worship, then service Spending time with God Accountability – to God, and to each other Encourage & build each other up: “unconditional positive regard” We all sin, and we all fall short; seek support!

3 Don’t let “stuff” get in the way of worship but
Don’t rush to worship as a way to avoid Worship in Spirit and in truth – be real (read the Psalms!) – God knows our heart It’s not about us, it’s about God, but He understands us and wants honesty – be where you are, and seek Him for better!

4 Some reality from the Psalms
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked … but his delight is in the way of the Lord How many are my foes! Answer me, O God, when I call you! How long, O God, will You forget me forever? Consider my sighing O Lord my God I take refuge in You I will tell of Your wonders

5 Resist the attacks of the enemy!
When we rise up in worship, we will be opposed! The enemy will seek to wound us, set us against each other, destroy and deceive Knowing this will not stop it happening We can be alert, on our guard, and resist We can seek wise counsel to repair the damage – trusting in God and each other

6 Song Sung Blue (Neil Diamond)
Song sung blue Weepin’ like a willow Song sung blue Cryin’ on my pillow Funny thing, but you can sing it with a cry in your voice And before you know it, you’re feelin’ good You simply got no choice

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