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Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board Meeting

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1 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board Meeting
Washington Medicaid Integration of Physical and Behavioral Health Services and Administration Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board Meeting Jessie Dean Libby Watanabe Administrator, Tribal Affairs & Analysis Healthier Washington Tribal Liaison April 17, 2017

2 Today: Three Levels of Breakdown
Health Care Authority Department of Social & Health Services Policy & Administration Medicaid Managed Care Organizations Behavioral Health Organizations Coordination & Payment Tribal Protocol is used in many different ways-one way is when different tribes arrive on another tribe’s land. Before the tribe sets foot on another tribe’s land, they wait for permission to do so. In Alaska, this protocol is called the “warming of the hands”, similar to a Western hand shake or greeting. Physical Health Care Providers Behavioral Health Care Providers Care

3 Integration of State Agencies
Today Mid-2018 Health Care Authority Health Care Authority Physical Health Behavioral Health Dental Transportation Department of Health & Social Services Tribal Protocol is used in many different ways-one way is when different tribes arrive on another tribe’s land. Before the tribe sets foot on another tribe’s land, they wait for permission to do so. In Alaska, this protocol is called the “warming of the hands”, similar to a Western hand shake or greeting. Department of Health & Social Services Division of Behavioral Health & Recovery

4 Integration of Managed Care
Today By January 1, 2020 Medicaid Managed Care Organization Medicaid Managed Care Organization Physical Health Mental Health Substance Use Disorder Tribal Protocol is used in many different ways-one way is when different tribes arrive on another tribe’s land. Before the tribe sets foot on another tribe’s land, they wait for permission to do so. In Alaska, this protocol is called the “warming of the hands”, similar to a Western hand shake or greeting. Behavioral Health Organization

5 Integration of Care Today Goals
Co-located Physical and Behavioral Health Care Physical Health Care OR Physical Health Care Behavioral Health Care Tribal Protocol is used in many different ways-one way is when different tribes arrive on another tribe’s land. Before the tribe sets foot on another tribe’s land, they wait for permission to do so. In Alaska, this protocol is called the “warming of the hands”, similar to a Western hand shake or greeting. Collaborative Care Behavioral Health Care

6 Medicaid Transformation 1115 Waiver
Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program Through Accountable Communities of Health Directly from State for Tribal/Urban Indian Health Projects Project Plans Over Five Years with Milestones Achieve Milestones to Receive Payment Focus on Care Delivery Reform and System Reform One of Eight Project Categories: Bidirectional Integration of Physical and Behavioral Health Care Tribal Protocol is used in many different ways-one way is when different tribes arrive on another tribe’s land. Before the tribe sets foot on another tribe’s land, they wait for permission to do so. In Alaska, this protocol is called the “warming of the hands”, similar to a Western hand shake or greeting.

7 Medicaid Transformation 1115 Waiver
Tribal Protocol is used in many different ways-one way is when different tribes arrive on another tribe’s land. Before the tribe sets foot on another tribe’s land, they wait for permission to do so. In Alaska, this protocol is called the “warming of the hands”, similar to a Western hand shake or greeting. Collaborative Care

8 Questions? HCA Tribal Affairs Contact Information: Jessie Dean Administrator, Tribal Affairs & Analysis Libby Watanabe Healthier Washington Tribal Liaison

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