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A Journey of Inequality “Separation”

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Presentation on theme: "A Journey of Inequality “Separation”"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Journey of Inequality “Separation” 1949-1991
Apartheid A Journey of Inequality “Separation”

2 Typical Homestead

3 Beach Picture

4 Typical Squatter’s Camp

5 Sharpeville Uprising

6 Rodden Island Prison

7 Man with Passbook

8 Checking Passbook

9 Soweto Uprising

10 Funeral and Protest

11 Separate Bathroom Facilities

12 Grand Apartheid Laws THE POPULATION REGISTRATION ACT—grouped every South African into a particular “race” (white, Indian, Coloured, and Black). Only whites could vote. Those lower down on the list had fewer rights. THE MIXED MARRIAGES ACT—made it a crime for any marriage to take place between whites and any other “racial” group. Only 75 marriages between blacks and whites had been recorded before Apartheid began. THE IMMORALITY ACT—made it a crime for any sexual act to be committed between a white person and any other “racial” group. Between , 24,000 people were prosecuted for this crime. THE GROUP AREAS ACT—divided South Africa into different areas where the different “race” groups could live. Of the 3.5 million people who had to leave their homes because of this act, only 2% were white. THE PASS LAWS—made it mandatory for blacks to carry pass books at all times, which allowed them to have permission to be in a white area for a limited amount of time. Without their pass, they were arrested.

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